5 Perfect Ways to Shrink Your Upper Arm


Medical Video: Arm Workouts for Sagging & Creepy Skin : Fab Fitness

Shrinking your arms is not easy. Fatty or flabby hands are conditions that can interfere with appearance. Even though you have a handsome face and posture, fat on your arms can sometimes make you less confident. Both women and men can suffer from this problem. You must have seen someone with a thin body turn out to have soft or fatty arms. How can it be like that? Then, how to shrink the fatty arm?

Causes of fatty or flabby arms

Fatty arms are generally caused by accumulation of excess fat in the arm area. Fat accumulation in other parts of the body is usually easy to lose, but it will be very difficult to burn excess fat in the arm. Increasing age is also another factor that affects fat in the arm. After you turn 20, your body tends to store more fat in various areas of the body and the muscles begin to decline. So the fat that accumulates becomes more than your muscles, that's what causes the arms to become soft.

Metabolism is also another reason for fat buildup in the arms. The metabolic rate will also decrease with age, meaning the body burns fewer calories. This condition eventually leads to fat buildup in the arm. Lack of physical activity and not exercising regularly can also cause fat accumulation in the body, including the arms.

How to shrink fatty arms

Choose the right food

Fill your kitchen with food in its full form, not processed or packaged. Increase your consumption of wheat, eggs, low-fat milk, vegetables, poultry, fish, lean meats, and healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fruits, such as avocados. Eating natural foods can help keep you full without consuming excess calories.

Eat less, but more often

Eating 5-6 small meals every day that includes one serving of protein and carbohydrates can help you shrink your arms. In addition, eating grilled salmon, one cup of green beans, and ½ cup of whole wheat pasta every three to four hours can prevent blood sugar deficiency which can trigger hunger and overeating, thus pushing your weight up.

Weight training

You must involve yourself in strength training or lifting weights to increase muscle mass and speed up metabolism. Perform exercises that involve each large group of muscles, such as:

1. Triceps dips

Shrink arm

This exercise helps to burn fat buildup in the triceps or rear arm. The triceps area is an area prone to fat buildup. This exercise can not only shrink the arms, but also give shape to the arms. You can do this exercise without using any equipment. With a sitting position on the floor, you can do this.

2. Chair triceps dips

Shrink arm

This exercise can provide tight arms by training the triceps muscle. You can do this exercise at home with the help of a chair or table 60 cm high. The weight of the entire body will rest on the triceps, so this exercise can reduce fat, while forming triceps muscles.

3. Lateral plank walk

Shrink arm

Like triceps training, this exercise can also tighten the muscles of the arm by melting the fat that builds up on the arm. You can do a position plank with your hands not bent, then cross your arms while opening your legs, if your right hand moves crosses, then your left foot opens. Then close it again with the right foot, when the left hand comes out from the crossing position to the original hand position.

4. Push-ups

Shrink arm

Push-ups can help you tighten your upper arm by burning fat in the area. The best thing in this exercise is that you don't need any tools. Your own body weight plays a major role in melting stubborn fat on the arm.

5. Opposite arm and leg lift

Shrink arm

This is an amazing exercise, because it not only strengthens the arm muscles, but also the leg muscles. This exercise also stretches your back, so it is useful to form a perfect posture.

Train your arms

Practice biceps, triceps, and shoulders in separate exercises, once a week to build muscle in the arms.

Cardio exercise

Do cardio exercise for five days per week to burn fat. you can jogging in treadmill, aerobics, or cycling. Do different cardio exercises every time you practice to keep your body unfamiliar with exercise. Because if your body is used to it, your body will be difficult to build muscle.



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5 Perfect Ways to Shrink Your Upper Arm
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