Do you want to give birth to a smart baby? Prospective Parents Must Do These 5 Important Things


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Every parent would want their child to be born perfect and be a smart child. However, did you know that the potential of intelligent babies has been formed since he was still in the womb?

Parental genes that are inherited play an important role in determining the intelligence and personality of a child, but proper lifestyle choices can help ensure the genes are programmed in the womb. According to Dr. Lana Asprey, author of The Better Baby Book, "Researchers now estimate that only 50 percent of IQ is reduced through genes, the rest is influenced by the environment."

Interactions between prospective fathers and mothers with womb babies also play a role in shaping the brains of a growing baby. The following tips can be done by prospective parents to train the intelligence of babies from the womb.

1. Avoid substances that can endanger pregnancy

Intelligence is formed from the beginning of fetal fertilization. If this process is interrupted by the presence of harmful substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, and narcotics, of course the results will not be good. Because that is a nutrition and behavior expert, Stephen J. Schoenthaler, PhD, suggested that prospective fathers and mothers avoid alcohol, cigarettes, narcotics and caffeine.

Nerve cells communicate with each other using chemical signals. If there are foreign chemicals that interfere with this signaling, of course the baby's brain development will be disrupted.

Also avoid other harmful substances such as mercury, lead, and pesticides that can be obtained from seafood, air pollution, and other food ingredients.

2. Exercising and actively moving

Exercise before giving birth will increase your stamina needed during labor. Sports can also increase the strength of your baby's brain.

A study reported in Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine states that children of mothers who exercise regularly during pregnancy have a much higher score on tests of intelligence and language skills than children of mothers who do not exercise during pregnancy.

This is because the hormone cortisol within the reasonable limits produced in the body of pregnant women while exercising stimulates the growth and development of the brain of the fetus and other organs.

3. Make sure you are free of this disease

TORCH infection, namely Toxoplasma,other(others are syphilis, chickenpox, and parvovirus B19), rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and herpes is an infection during pregnancy that can cause congenital abnormalities in the baby, including the brain. For this reason, it is important for pregnant women to get their health checked regularly. This is so that you can make sure you are free from one of the TORCH infections.

Also make sure that the mother has no impaired thyroid gland function. Mothers with low thyroid hormones have a tendency to have babies with low IQs. To determine whether you have normal thyroid hormone levels or not, you only need to do a blood test.

For the thyroid gland to function properly, you should consume iodine as much as 220 micrograms per day by consuming iodized salt, yogurt, or milk.

4. Rub your stomach and chat with your little one

Gently rubbing the stomach while talking to the fetus can calm the nervous system and stimulate fetal brain development. Around the 20th week of pregnancy, babies can usually distinguish between a mother and father's touch.

Have a conversation with the baby in the body at a certain time. For example in the morning and evening. Infants in the womb have been able to receive speech signals from their parents since the age of 4 months because all connections from the ear to the brain already exist. The more often you chat with it, the greater the chance of a smart baby at birth.

5. Eat foods that are fully nutritious

During pregnancy, it is important for a mother to maintain the nutrients eaten. The food you eat during pregnancy affects your child's physical and mental development.

Eating certain brain-strengthening foods during pregnancy to breastfeeding can increase your baby's IQ, skills and memory to adulthood. Nutrients that must be consumed so that intelligent babies include fish oil, eggs, fruit, and vegetables.

In addition, make sure you have enough folic acid during pregnancy. Folic acid is one of the important nutrients in the early stages of baby's brain development. Reported by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), mothers who took folic acid from four weeks before conception until the eighth week of pregnancy had a 40 percent lower risk of having children with autism.

Therefore, doctors and midwives will usually provide folic acid supplements from the beginning of pregnancy. You can also consume milk specifically for pregnant women and green vegetables such as spinach and kale during preparation for your pregnancy.

Other nutrients that are no less important in order to give birth to intelligent babies are omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA. This compound is important for the formation of brain nerve cells. You can get it from consuming sea fish, nuts, and eggs that have been enriched with omega-3 fatty acids.

Do you want to give birth to a smart baby? Prospective Parents Must Do These 5 Important Things
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