Various causes of birth defects


Medical Video: Understanding Birth Defects

It is not an easy matter for parents to be aware of the fact that their baby is born disabled. Concern that the baby will experience difficulties to grow and develop like other children naturally if it comes to mind.

Many factors can cause birth defects. These factors are often not intentional factors by parents, because no parent wants their baby to be born disabled. Well, therefore if you are about to become a parent, you should know the cause of a baby with a birth defect so you can avoid it.

What is a baby with a birth defect?

Before knowing the cause of birth defects, you should first understand what a baby is born with. A baby with a birth defect is a condition where the body's structure and function are not normal at birth which causes physical and mental disabilities. Some cases can even cause death in infants during the first year of life.

Structural birth defects are associated with problems in parts of the body, such as cleft lip or cleft palate, heart defects, such as abnormal heart valves, limb defects, such as the legs, and neural tube defect, like spina bifida.

Whereas what is said to be functional birth defects is related to problems in the function or system of the limb to do its work. This problem often causes inability to develop which includes the development of the nervous system or problems in the brain, as found in people with autism, Down syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome; sensory problems, such as those with vision and hearing problems; metabolic disorders, such as phenylketonuria and hypothyroidism; and degenerative disorders, such as X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD).

What are the causes of birth defects?

Birth defects can begin to occur at each stage of pregnancy. Birth defects usually occur in the first 3 months of pregnancy, when the baby's organs begin to form. This is a very important period for fetal development in the womb. However, during the last six months of pregnancy, birth defects can also occur. At this time, tissues and organs continue to experience growth and development until the baby is ready to be born into the world.

Many factors can cause birth defects and sometimes these factors are not known to be the cause. It is difficult to find one right factor that causes a baby's birth defects because it usually occurs in a combination of many factors. Birth defects can arise due to genetic factors, maternal lifestyle and behavior, use of drugs or other chemicals, infection during pregnancy, or a combination of all of these factors.

Genetic factors

Mothers or fathers can be carriers of genetic disorders in their babies. Genetic abnormalities occur when one or more genes do not work properly or some genes are lost. Genes can become defective due to a mutation or change experienced by the gene. Genetic abnormalities can occur at conception (when sperm meets an egg) and this cannot be prevented.

Lifestyle and environmental factors

Birth defects can occur due to environmental factors that occur during pregnancy, including drug use, smoking, and drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Other factors, such as poisoning of chemicals and viruses can also increase the risk factors for babies with birth defects. Pregnancy above 35 years of age can also increase the risk of birth defects. Therefore, you should plan when the best time for you to have children, not at an age that is too young or too old.

How to prevent birth defects?

Infant birth defects are usually preventable, but there are many ways to reduce the risk of a baby with disabilities. We recommend that women who are planning a pregnancy start eating foods that contain high levels of folic acid even before conception occurs. Consumption of foods high in folic acid must also be continued during pregnancy. Folic acid is very necessary in the early development of the fetus's brain and spinal cord so that it can help prevent birth defects. Taking certain vitamins is also recommended during pregnancy. You should consult with your doctor what additional vitamins and minerals you should consume during pregnancy.

In addition, you should also avoid cigarette smoke, alcoholic beverages, and drug use during and after pregnancy. Some drugs and vaccines can cause birth defects when consumed during pregnancy. We recommend that you use the drug according to the doctor's instructions if you are experiencing pain while pregnant.

Having enough weight during pregnancy can also reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and hypertension. This also helps you reduce your risk of having a baby with a birth defect.

It is important to always check your pregnancy to find out about you and your baby. Additional prenatal screening may be needed to identify defects in infants if your pregnancy is at high risk. If you already know it first, birth defects may be treated before the baby is born depending on the type of defect suffered by the baby.


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Various causes of birth defects
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