Cardio VS Sports Lifts Weight: Which Is the Quickest to Lower Weight?


Medical Video: How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss?

Sports is a way to get the ideal body weight that is proven to be the most effective. But of all types of exercise, which one is faster to lose body: cardio exercise or lifting weights?

Cardio vs weight lifting, which one burns calories faster?

Cardio exercise is the most common type of exercise chosen to help you lose weight because this activity is very effective at burning fat.

Cardio exercise itself is an exercise to increase heart rate. The heart is made up of muscles that must move to make it stronger and stronger again. When the heart muscle is strong, the blood vessels can drain more and faster blood so that more oxygen can flow into the muscle cells. This allows cells to burn more fat during exercise and at rest. Examples of cardio exercise are walking, jogging, and swimming.

Research has found that the higher the cardio intensity you do, the greater the calories burned. Here's an example of calculating: If your body weight is now 73 kg, jogging 30 minutes at a moderate running speed will burn about 250 calories. The faster you run, the calories burned can reach around 365 calories with the same running duration.

How about lifting weights? Lifting weights will increase the calories burned, because after you undergo training, your muscles will need a lot of energy to improve the fiber. Penn State research reports that lifting weights can burn 3 kilograms of fat more than aerobic exercise (which is a type of cardio exercise).

Another Harvard study found that men who routinely carried a lift weighing at least 20 minutes per day can better maintain excess abdominal fat than those who only do cardio. Meanwhile, cardio is not enough to cut belly fat.

Bonus benefits from lifting weights

In addition to faster burning of body fat, lifting weights also has other important benefits, namely building and maintaining bone strength and increasing metabolism.

A study found that lifting weights for 16 weeks can increase hip bone density and bone growth by 19 percent. This benefit is derived from controlling sclerostin levels while increasing the production of special hormones IGF-1 which plays an important role in bone growth. Sclerostin is one of the natural proteins in the human body, which if extraordinary levels accumulate in the bones can increase the risk of bone loss.

Other studies say that routine lifting weights will increase calorie burning and body metabolism even for 39 hours afterwards. After 24 weeks of weight training, male participants' body metabolism increased by 9% while women reached 4 percent.

The ideal body is more quickly achieved by combining the type of exercise

Incorrect cardio exercise can increase the stress hormone cortisol in the body which can cause the body to store more fat in the stomach. Therefore, for those of you who want to get rid of belly fat and lose weight, you should combine it with other exercises, including lifting weights.

Quoted from Health, research from Duke University found that participants who did a combination of cardio and weight training sessions were able to burn up to as much as 7 kilograms of fat after a routine exercise of 47 minutes every week.

According to the American Collage of Sport Medicine (ACSM), the total duration of exercise 150 minutes per week is very effective in losing weight.

Cardio VS Sports Lifts Weight: Which Is the Quickest to Lower Weight?
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