Sports Too Hard Can Cause Kidney Failure


Medical Video: Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure : 10 Early Signs and Symptoms That You May Have Kidney Disease

The benefits of exercise for health are indeed undoubted. However, don't also insist on exercising too hard. It's not healthy, your health will be threatened. Because exercise is too hard can have a fatal impact on the kidneys. This is especially important for high intensity sports actors, such as marathon and crossfit, who must be extra aware of the possibility of acute kidney failure.

Here's the explanation.

Exercise too hard can cause rupture of the body's skeletal muscles

High intensity exercise can cause the risk of skeletal muscle rupture so that the muscle component enters the bloodstream. In the medical world, this condition is called rabdomololysis.

Rabdomolysis occurs when the muscles are exhausted so that the tissue inside begins to destroy itself. As a result myoglobin enzymes and products in muscle fibers are released into the bloodstream. This component then causes complications to cause kidney damage, such as acute kidney failure.

Symptoms of rabdomololysis may be difficult to detect. This depends on the cause. Symptoms can also occur in one area of ​​the body or affect the entire body. However, the most common symptoms of rabdomiolysis after exercise too hard are muscle pain in the shoulders, thighs, or lower back. In fact, this pain makes it difficult for the sufferer to move their arms and legs. Generally, heavy exercise activists ignore these symptoms. Until finally, there is swelling in one part of the body which also causes severe pain.

If allowed to continue, abdomiolysis will cause kidney failure

If rabialialysis symptoms are getting worse, symptoms of kidney failure appear which begin with changes in urine color. Usually the urine changes color to dark brown or reddish because it is mixed with these muscle components. The urine volume also continues to decrease until it finally stops altogether. If this is the case, patients will experience acute kidney failure.

Kidney failure may be faced by about 30 percent of patients who experience rupture of skeletal muscle (rabdomolysis). Kidney failure can develop in a matter of hours or days, depending on the body's resistance and the concentration of substances dissolved in the blood. Not infrequently, acute kidney failure can have fatal consequences to kill the sufferer.

In addition to changes in color and volume of urine, other symptoms of acute renal failure are shortness of breath, often feeling tired, drowsy, confused, nauseous, and feeling painful and depressed in the chest. Some parts of the patient's body are also usually swollen, due to excessive storing of fluid in the body. Well, one part of the body that is usually swollen is the foot.

If you have experienced a severe enough disorder, the doctor will recommend patients with acute kidney failure to undergo dialysis (dialysis) and consume drugs for recovery. Therefore, extreme sports people must listen to their bodies so that rabdomolysis does not occur. Moreover, acute kidney failure cannot be prevented.

High intensity exercise is okay, provided ...

For those of you who are sports enthusiasts with high intensity, or maybe just want to test the waves, it's good to consult a doctor and trusted personal trainer before starting this activity. This is done to determine the actual body condition, so as to avoid unwanted risks.

In addition to conducting consultations, there are a number of things you should also consider before doing strenuous exercise, namely:

  • Give your body time to recover and rest. It is important to give your body a rest period of at least 24 hours to recover from exhausting physical activity.
  • Indeed, exercise will encourage you to exceed your maximum limits. But remember, exercise should not be a place to punish yourself. That is why, listen to the body carefully because this will tell you when to stop.
  • Sufficient fluid intake during exercise is basically the easiest tips to do. But, unfortunately these tips are also the easiest to forget. You can't wait until you are thirsty. Because when you feel thirsty, you have experienced 2 percent dehydration. A sign that you are well hydrated is to look at the color of your urine. The color of urine that indicates a well-hydrated body should be light, even almost colorless. However, if your urine is dark, you need to drink enough water.
Sports Too Hard Can Cause Kidney Failure
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