Infographics: Data on Suicide Cases in Indonesia


Medical Video: What is depression? - Helen M. Farrell

Suicide is one serious case that is often forgotten. Either because it's considered something too extreme, or because not many people know someone who committed suicide. In fact, suicide rates in Indonesia cannot be considered trivial.

During 2005 alone there were 30,000 suicides recorded in Indonesia, and this was only reported. There were many cases of suicide that were covered up, either because of the shame of his family, or for maintaining the honor of the deceased.

Often, someone who has a suicidal intention has shown some signs and symptoms that can be observed by those closest to him. Unfortunately, many people ignore this by reason of 'maybe just being temporarily upset', or belittling with the mind 'it's impossible for him to commit suicide', until finally it's all too late. This condition is exacerbated by the assumption that people in Indonesia consider depression to be normal, and are considered the same as ordinary stress. In fact, not only is stress temporary and not too serious, depression has been categorized as a mental health disorder, and if left unchecked it often leads to suicide attempts.

So that this doesn't happen to you or the people closest to you, make sure you equip yourself with the following knowledge about suicide prevention, and call 500-454 for counseling (open 24 hours) whenever you feel you need help to stop the desire suicide.

  • Are Your Teenage Children Vulnerable to Suicide?
  • 3 Important Rules for Helping People Who Want to Kill themselves
  • Recognizing People Who Have Suicide Trends
  • Understanding the Causes of Why You Might Feel Like Suicide
  • 6 Ways to Eliminate Loneliness During Depression

Also consider the following infographics that show data about suicides in Indonesia.

suicidal infographic in Indonesia - hellosehat

Infographics: Data on Suicide Cases in Indonesia
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