Children born with Caesar are at risk of experiencing obesity


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Many things that cause birth cannot be done in a normal way and then it is recommended to have a caesarean section. According to WHO, caesarean section is a backup method that will be carried out when the normal birth process cannot be performed. But did you know that children born by caesarean are at risk of obesity compared to children born normal?

Children born by caesarean section are at risk of obesity, even when they are adults

Caesarean section is indeed a way to save babies and mothers when complications occur, but this method is not not free from various risks. Caesarean section can cause adverse effects on maternal and child health, one of which is obesity in children. Obesity is thought to not only occur in childhood but this will occur until the child is mature.

A new study from Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health, Boston, stated that caesarean section was associated with the incidence of obesity in children and young adults. The study included 22,068 children born of 15,271 mothers. Of the total children, it was found that as many as 22.3% were delivered by caesarean section. Based on the research it is known that mothers who have a caesarean section have a body mass index (BMI) and nutritional status that is more than normal and prone to preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and hypertension during pregnancy. In addition, the group of mothers also had a history of previous caesarean section.

The results revealed that caesarean section increased the chance of 15% in infants to be obese when children. In addition, 64% of babies born by caesarean section have greater body weight and BMI compared to their siblings born through normal births. The study also found births normally can reduce risk obesity in children as much as 31% compared to the process of cesarean delivery.

What is the relationship between caesarean section and obesity?

Caesarean section is usually recommended for mothers who are obese, gestational diabetes, and hypertension, which then creates a risk of obesity in babies who will be born. But the new hypothesis that appears now is that the caesarean section itself can cause obesity in children. This is due to caesarean section affecting good bacteria in the digestive system that babies have at birth. The experts stated that children born through the normal birth process get more gastrointestinal bacteria than children born by caesarean section.

Children born through normal labor will experience vaginal contact and transfer of intestinal bacteria belonging to the mother and child. While in caesarean section, the contact did not occur. Children born by caesarean section, only contact with maternal skin that may be exposed to various bacteria from free air or the operating room environment. Therefore, children born by caesarean section have fewer digestive bacteria than those born normally. Though good bacteria are organisms that have an important role in the digestive system, which is to help digest food, produce various nutrients from the digestion of food, so that the body can absorb all nutrients optimally and prevent obesity in children. Not only that, some studies also say that bacteria in the digestive system have a direct relationship to the formation of cognitive functions and intelligence of children.

Children born by caesarean have a type of bacteria Staphylococci more and Bifidobacteria less. This is considered to cause infection in children and reduce the number of good bacteria in the digestive system. In addition, they also do not have a lot of bacterial variation in the digestive system, even though the more types of bacteria in the digestive system, the better the impact on health.


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Children born with Caesar are at risk of experiencing obesity
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