Preventing Diabetes Stroke


Medical Video: Brain Nourishment to Prevent Strokes

Diabetes has a risk of various complications. One of them is stroke. Check out reviews of stroke due to diabetes in the following article and how to prevent it.

What is a stroke?

Stroke occurs due to lack of supply of oxygen that is flowed through the blood to the brain. As a result, lack of oxygen supply for several minutes will make brain cells die and cause damage to other limbs. The damage depends on the extent of brain damage that occurs. That is why, the first emergency help when symptoms of a stroke begin to appear are the most crucial moments that can determine the extent of the damage.

No one wants him to get a stroke, especially considering the impact it causes. Unfortunately, strokes can affect anyone if we ignore health and a healthy lifestyle. And even more unfortunate, diabetics, have a greater chance of the risk of having a stroke compared to those who do not have diabetes.

Diabetics have a risk 1.5 times more likely to have a stroke than those who do not. For this reason, blood sugar control becomes very important for diabetics to prevent the emergence of various other complications including stroke.

Types of stroke

There are two types of strokes that are most common. The difference between the two is based on the causes.

Ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke is the most common form of stroke. Nearly about 87 percent of strokes that occur are ischemic strokes. This stroke results from a blockage of a blood vessel, so that the blood flow cannot reach the brain.

Hemorrhagic stroke. This stroke is a form of stroke that is less common than ischemic stroke. This type of stroke is caused by a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain which ultimately disrupts the brain's work due to seepage of blood that fills and suppresses the brain. This stroke is more often the cause of death compared to ischemic stroke.

So, what is a stroke from diabetes?

As the name implies, diabetes stroke, aka stroke due to diabetes, is a stroke that arises because it is triggered by diabetes. This disease is one of the complications that arise due to blood sugar levels that are not well controlled.

Diabetics are more susceptible to various complications. Some serious complications that often occur in diabetics are kidney problems, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and vision problems. When diabetics experience cardiovascular complications, stroke is one of the serious threats that cannot be underestimated.

How can diabetes affect stroke?

Stroke due to diabetes is a condition of stroke that is caused or aggravated by diabetes. In diabetics, insulin is supposed to be on duty help enter glucose into the cell not working properly. As a result, blood sugar that should enter the body to be broken down into permanent energy gather together in the bloodstream and flow freely throughout the body. This causes high blood sugar levels.

Excessive blood sugar levels that are too long in the body (if the patient does not manage diabetes well) will eventually increase risk formation blockage or also known as atherosclerosis on the walls of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis will then narrow and inhibit the speed of blood flow to get to the brain. In more severe cases, the fat clot can also close the bloodstream in total.

Under normal conditions, when blood vessels that drain blood to the brain are blocked, other arteries will try to take over to pass oxygen to the brain. However, this mechanism does not occur in people with diabetes.

The body of diabetics tends to be slower in responding to a stroke. This is because blood vessels in diabetics are usually more rigid due to fat blockage or atherosclerotic alias plaque. For this reason, disciplined blood sugar control is the key for diabetics to lead a quiet life without the threat of complications.

Prevent strokes due to diabetes in people with diabetes

Some causes of stroke can come from genetic factors, age, and family history. Everything is certainly out of your control. Even so, there are some things that are in control to prevent strokes due to diabetes. Even if you have diabetes, you can still do something so that stroke from diabetes doesn't come to you. One of them is by being physically active and living a healthy lifestyle. Some of the following can also help you prevent stroke from diabetes.

1. Manage blood pressure

One of the most common trigger factors for stroke is high blood pressure (hypertension). Managing blood pressure to stay within normal limits can reduce your risk of stroke. Routinely check blood pressure.

Also do this when you visit a doctor to plan your treatment (whether for diabetes or others). For most people with diabetes, the optimal reference blood pressure is in the numbers 130-140 / 90 mmHg. Exercising and reducing salt is also one way to maintain blood pressure at a safe threshold.

2. Monitor cholesterol levels

Cholesterol in the blood is also one of the contributors to stroke. This cholesterol can stick to the walls of blood vessels so that it will narrow the path of blood flow and even close it. For this reason, it is very important to continue to monitor your cholesterol levels regularly, at least once a year.

3. Take medication regularly

Taking drugs that control blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and sugar in your blood regularly will clearly reduce the risk of stroke. One of them is the use of Aspirin which is also useful as a blood thinner. Cholesterol-lowering and blood pressure medications can also help you reduce the risk of a stroke. Consult your doctor before taking these drugs.

If your doctor gives you medication to control blood pressure, you should still drink it even if your blood pressure is normal. Do not stop treatment without consulting your doctor.

4. Changes in lifestyle

A bad lifestyle is also one of the triggers for various diseases. Diabetes, stroke, heart disease are some examples of diseases that arise because they are triggered by unhealthy lifestyles. Paying attention to the food that enters will help you control blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood. Consumption of vegetables and fruit and reduce food with high levels of salt and fat will reduce your risk of stroke.

5. Stop smoking

Smoking and stroke are two things that will produce a dangerous combination for you. The danger of smoking is known to trigger various diseases. Therefore, quitting smoking is one way to realize a healthy life that will also reduce your risk of various diseases, including strokes due to diabetes.Look for ways to stop smoking, for example by taking drugs or by making yourself more busy, for example by exercising.

Making yourself more active by exercising regularly will also help you strengthen your heart muscle. Always consult with your doctor regarding the most appropriate diet and exercise plan for you so as not to bring other undesirable effects.

6. Don't forget, control your diabetes

Stroke is closely related to high blood pressure, but don't forget that diabetes is also one of the risk factors for stroke. Do not be too absorbed in maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol, then you forget that your diabetes must also be considered. When you have diabetes, don't forget to control blood sugar levels to be always within safe limits. By keeping it normal, you can reduce the risk of stroke due to diabetes.

Preventing Diabetes Stroke
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