3 Sleep Disorders That Make You Sleepy All Day


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Are you one of the people who are often sleepy all day? Drowsiness is indeed a normal condition that often occurs due to lack of sleep at night. Usually, this condition can be overcome by taking a nap or adequate rest at night. Unfortunately for some people, the drowsiness they experience is classified as extreme and difficult to relieve even after adequate rest. Not infrequently, this condition inhibits daily activities.

If you have this, you must be vigilant. Because, often sleepy throughout the day can be a sign of certain health problems.

Various causes are often sleepy

There are many things that make you often sleepy. However, there are three types of sleep disorders that are the most common cause you are often sleepy throughout the day, including:

1. Obstructive sleep apnea

never dreamed

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common sleep disorder that affects many adults in the world. This condition makes a person often stop breathing several times when sleeping. This can last for 10-20 seconds, and may occur hundreds of times when a person sleeps.

Because people with OSA often wake up from their sleep (even though they don't realize they are awake), the result is that their sleep quality becomes disturbed. The poor quality of sleep makes people with OSA often feel powerless and less productive to carry out daily activities.

The most easily observed symptom of OSA is snoring. In addition, some people also often choke or experience shortness of breath while sleeping.

2. Narcolepsy

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Narcolepsy is also one of the most common sleep disorders. Narcolepsy itself is a chronic sleep disorder, where there are abnormalities in the nerves that cause a person unable to control the sleep or wake cycle.

People who have this condition have difficulty controlling drowsiness, especially during the day. Narcolepsy also makes it difficult for a person to stay awake and awake for a long time. As a result, they can fall asleep anytime and anywhere even though they are on the move.

Until now the exact cause of narcolepsy is still unknown. However, scientists believe that narcolepsy can be caused by a lack of hypocretin compounds (also called orexin) in the brain. Hypocretin is a compound that regulates awareness when you are awake and the state of REM when you fall asleep.

Although there is no explanation why the production of hypocretin in the brain can be reduced, the researchers suspect that there is a connection between this and autoimmune problems.

The most common symptom of narcolepsy is excessive daytime sleepiness. Not only that, people with this condition often experience it sleep attacks,which causes sufferers to fall asleep while working and even drive, and when they wake up they will not remember what happened.

3. Restless legs syndrome

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Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder that causes a person to be unable to control the movement of his legs. This usually happens because they feel uncomfortable feet, tingling, or pain that is not clear why. This uncomfortable feeling can also be felt in the arms and other body parts.

RLS generally occurs at night at bedtime or when someone is getting ready to sleep. This can interfere with sleep - which causes daytime sleepiness. Some people also experience anxiety in all parts of their feet as they sit.

The researchers suspect that this condition is likely a result of an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, namely dopamine, which functions to control muscle movement.

3 Sleep Disorders That Make You Sleepy All Day
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