7 Signs of Upper Right Back Pain Which Are Serious Conditions


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The right upper back pain is a common condition that can be experienced by everyone, of all ages, with different causes. Back pain often makes you uncomfortable and disrupts your activities. As you age, the chances of experiencing back pain may increase, due to previous occupational factors and age. The right upper back pain usually occurs due to aortic disorders, chest tumors, and spinal inflammation. Symptoms of upper right back pain may differ depending on the cause and condition.

Signs and symptoms of upper right back pain that become a serious condition

Back pain is usually not serious and can heal in a few weeks with proper treatment and lifestyle. However, some conditions may cause serious illness. Beberepa serious conditions, usually causes the right upper back pain long enough and accompanied by other symptoms. If this is the case, you need to get proper medical care.

The following signs and symptoms of back pain indicate a serious condition.

1. Fever

Flu may occur when you have upper right back pain, but this isn't long. In certain cases, severe back pain accompanied by fever, numbness or tingling in the arm can originate from a spinal infection.

Some risk factors that trigger these symptoms are if you experience immununosuppression, have cancer or diabetes, or obesity.

If your doctor thinks you might have a spinal infection, your doctor may suggest you do an imaging test such as X-ray, CT, or MRI scan. Antibiotics or antifungal drugs can treat this condition.

2. Feet weakens

If you feel right upper back pain with numbness or weak legs and arms, maybe this is a symptom of neurological injury and arthritis.

3. Pain moves from the chest to your back

One of the main causes of back pain is a condition called costochondritis. This is a condition of inflammation of the cartilage that connects your rib cage to your sternum.

When lifting heavy items, respiratory infections, and chest injuries can occur, often the source of pain is unclear. You may feel pain that moves from the chest to your right upper back.

4. Pain when taking a deep breath

If the right upper back pain is accompanied by pain when breathing deeply, this may be a sign of pulmonary embolism.

Pulmonary embolism is a blockage that occurs in one of your pulmonary arteries. In many cases, pulmonary embolism is caused by a clot of frozen blood that flows into the lungs from the legs, or more rarely from other body parts (deep vein thrombosis).

If your back pain gets worse when you take a deep breath, run out of breath, cough up blood, or feel weak, call your doctor immediately.

5. Shortness of breath

The upper right backache may be caused by a punctured lung, which can be caused by injury. Even though the chances are small, punctured lungs are something you need to know about signs so you can take the right action.

If the pain is accompanied by shortness of breath or severe pain when taking a deep breath, immediately seek medical treatment.

6. The pain increases when moving

If you have just had an injury, such as an accident or falling from a height, you can experience a broken rib. Depending on which part is broken, you may feel the right upper back pain.

Pain usually appears from moderate to severe, but will get worse when you move. Check your condition immediately with a doctor, especially after a severe injury.

7. The pain gets worse at night

The upper right back pain can also be a symptom of lung cancer. Lung cancer causes back pain in various ways, including direct tumor pressure in the back area, tumors of the nerves around the back, the tumor spreads (metastasizes) to the bones around the back. Symptoms of back pain associated with lung cancer may have certain signs including back pain that gets worse when:

  • in the evening
  • happens without activity
  • when lying in bed
  • take a deep breath

In addition, back pain that does not respond to physical therapy or other medical treatment. Also, back pain accompanied by persistent coughing, shortness of breath, sudden weight loss, fatigue, or coughing up blood.

7 Signs of Upper Right Back Pain Which Are Serious Conditions
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