Detecting Health Problems from Various Features of Your Face


Medical Video: 11 Signs of Health Problems Hidden On Your Face

Small eyes or belo, snub or sharp nose, thick or thin lips - all these facial characteristics are strongly influenced by the genetic inheritance of your mother's father. But it turns out, the shape and physical characteristics of your face can also be a reflection of your overall body health. Therefore, you must not ignorevarious signs of change that appear on the face.

Detect health problems through various facial characteristics

1. Hairy face

Growing a beard and mustache for men is a pride and a sign of virility. Conversely, women should be vigilant if their faces are covered with fine hairs, whether they are mustaches, beards, or even a beard on the side of the jaw.

This is a condition called hirsutism, a signthe presence of excess androgen male sex hormones. In some cases, this hormonal imbalance is not so worrying. But hirsutism can also be a symptomPolycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Especially when accompanied by irregular menstruation and severe PMS pain.

2. Eyes and yellow facial skin

The white part of the eyes and the hue of the skin yellowing are dull signs that the liver does not work properly to rinse poisons and waste dirt in the body. These discoloration is a sign of jaundice, which generally appears as a symptom of liver disease (either viral or autoimmune hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver), acute pancreatitis, bile disorders, alcohol dependence (alcoholism), infection (mononucleosis, malaria, leptospirosis), to heart cancer.

3. Panda eyes

Black circles under the eyes are generally caused by the frequency of staying up. But in certain people, panda eyes can be a sign of a condition called allergy shiners. The typical allergy shiners' dark circles occur due to blocked nasal sinuses as an allergic reaction.

These panda eyes are usually characterized by bruising with bluish purple. A little different from the black eye circle that you get after not sleeping for days.Shiners allergy will also be accompanied by typical allergic reactions in general, such as itchy red eyes, runny nose, and sneezing.

Shiners allergy is usually caused by food allergies, dust allergies, allergies to fumes and cigarette smoke or vehicle fumes.

4. Chapped lips

Dry and cracked lips are not only caused by heat. This can be a sign of dehydration and malnutrition, such as niacin or zinc. Deficiency of niacin and zinc is more common in vegetarians, because these two minerals are most commonly found in chicken meat, chicken liver, and fish.

Chapped lips can also be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), oral herpes, to Kawasaki disease (but are more common in children).

5. The tip of the lips or mouth blisters

The tips or edges of the lips that are injured, abrasions, red spots and swelling are signs of angular cheilitis. This condition is quite common, often due to lack of nutritional intake, especially iron, vitamins B-2 and B-12.

To overcome this, multiply foods rich in iron and vitamin B, such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, chicken meat, and beef. If it continues, contact your doctor.

6. Pale skin

Characteristics of a pale face generally indicate that you are indeed sick or not fit. This can also be caused by a lack of red blood a sign of iron deficiency anemia or folate deficiency. To overcome this,multiply eat green leafy vegetables dark, tomatoes, meat, beans and eggs to meet your daily nutritional needs.

Remember, that doesn't mean that if you have one (or more) of these facial characteristics then you are really sick. You should consult further with your doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Detecting Health Problems from Various Features of Your Face
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