Is it true that sitting too long can cause problems with the urinary tract?


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Maybe because of the demands of work or indeed happy to relax in a sitting position, many people often sit for a long time. Be careful if you do this often. It is not impossible that the effects of your urinary tract will arise later. Does the relationship sit with the urinary tract? Check out the answers to the danger of sitting too long below.

Research proves sitting too long to endanger the urinary tract

A study published in the medical journal BJU International, conducted research on nearly 70,000 middle-aged men. The researchers tried to find out the time spent by participants to sit down, do physical activity, and possibly have lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) for the past two years.

LUTS or lower urinary tract symptoms are disorders associated with lower urinary tract problems, including the bladder, prostate, and urethra. In other words, this condition can be interpreted as a symptom that arises due to a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Apparently, men who spend more than five hours per day sitting with physical activity rarely have a higher risk of experiencing lower urinary tract symptoms. Usually, marked by urination is not complete, so urinating more often, the flow of urine slows down, and often wakes up at night to urinate.

Reporting from Australia's Andrology page, most cases of lower urinary tract symptoms are indeed experienced by men in middle age. However, it does not rule out the possibility that this condition can also attack young men.

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Are women also at risk of experiencing it?

Dr. Linda Brubaker, an obstetrician and lecturer at the University of California, argues that although the target of this study is men, it is not impossible that the danger of sitting too long with a lack of physical activity can also be at risk for the appearance of lower urinary tract symptoms in women.

The basic reason for the appearance of lower urinary tract symptoms in women is usually not always the same. Starting from problems in the health of nerves, muscles, or connective tissue that is responsible for emptying the bladder, explained by Dr. Jill Maura Rabin is an obstetrician from Hofra Northwell School of Medicine.

In addition, the age of women also plays a role in increasing the risk of urinary tract problems. The reason is, the more age, connective tissue in the vagina and bladder will also be thinning.

The impact of thinning this tissue will be seen when you experience menopause and the production of the hormone estrogen decreases, which results in the nerves and muscles around the vaginal and bladder area not being able to contract optimally.

Over time, this condition makes it difficult for you to urinate so that the urination process becomes incomplete. Especially if added to the danger of sitting too long. Blood flow to the bladder tissue is not smooth, which will affect the work of the nerves and muscles around the bladder.

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Is there a way to reduce the risk of urinary tract problems?

According to Dr. Rabin, symptoms in the urinary tract are indeed not experienced by many people. However, it never hurts to do some prevention before the condition attacks you. The way to stop smoking, apply a balanced diet, and maintain an ideal body weight.

Having an ideal body weight will not only support your appearance, but can also avoid excessive pressure on the bladder. Also make sure to always drink plenty of fluids to keep the body well hydrated, while making the urine release process run smoothly.

Most importantly, avoid sitting too long under any conditions. If your routine requires you to sit all the time, try to get up and move as often as possible. Filling free time and light exercise is also no less effective to help prevent the danger of sitting too long and the emergence of bladder problems.

Is it true that sitting too long can cause problems with the urinary tract?
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