Like Crying Suddenly? 4 of these health conditions can be the cause


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Crying is natural, everyone does it. However, what if you often cry suddenly? Is this condition normal? If you like crying suddenly, maybe it's a sign that you have a certain health condition. What are the health conditions that can make someone cry suddenly?

Health conditions can cause you to cry suddenly

Crying occurs when you are feeling an emotion. Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., a psychologist in Los Angeles, as reported by Shape, argues that crying suddenly for no apparent reason, can be a sign of a disruption in health. Here are some conditions that can make someone cry suddenly.

1. Stress

Job problems or relationships with partners often make you stressed. This happens naturally and is actually good for you in certain situations. When stress rises, crying becomes the first reaction you make. So, this could be the cause of someone crying suddenly.

Quoted from the Hufftington Post, Lauren Bylsma, a scholar who is pursuing a Ph.D., at the University of Pittsburgh believes that people who are feeling stress will tend to cry. In addition to forgetting sadness, crying can also lead to help or support from others.

However, Bylsma also added that research on this subject was very limited so further research was still needed. If you are experiencing stress, slowly breathing deeply can make you more relaxed. Consulting a psychologist can also help you reduce the stress you feel.

2. Depression

The feeling of stress that continues to happen to you, can cause the condition to change into depression. In fact, depression can occur without stress. Peak stress can make you cry suddenly, then depression will make you cry more often without even realizing it.

Depression triggered by stress occurs for a long time, and even takes several weeks. This condition affects your physical activity because appetite decreases, moods continue to deteriorate, difficulty sleeping, and fatigue easily.

According to a statistical data, about 80 percent of people with depression do not get treatment from a doctor or therapist. They actually try to vent depression with drugs and alcohol.

If you continue to feel stressed so that it affects activities, you should check with your doctor. This will make it easier for you to get treatment.

3. Anxiety disorders

Unlike normal anxiety, anxiety disorders can cause tremendous anxiety. This condition can cause a person to cry suddenly.

In fact, this can occur when the sufferer is not experiencing anxiety or panic. Generally people who have anxiety disorders will cry before, during, or after an attack. The extraordinary anxiety they feel makes the body respond with cries.

However, even people without anxiety disorders can cry when they are overwhelmed with anxiety. Therefore, to get the right diagnosis that you have an anxiety disorder or not, a doctor's examination is necessary.

4. Symptoms of PMS

PMS or premenstrual syndrome occurs in many women when their menstrual cycle arrives. This condition makes women more irritable, mood swings, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, pain in the abdomen and breasts, and other disturbing symptoms.

All of these symptoms make a woman more stressful and easier to get tears out. The risk of crying suddenly gets bigger if you are experiencing stress.

When PMS levels of estrogen and progesterone become unbalanced. It affects the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for your mood.

Yes, this is why you can just run tears. Unbalanced hormonal conditions also occur in pregnant women, this might make women feel more emotional and can cry at any time.

If you feel symptoms of PMS that are very disturbing, you can do a consutation to the doctor to reduce symptoms. Eating high-iron foods is believed to reduce your risk of experiencing PMS.

Like Crying Suddenly? 4 of these health conditions can be the cause
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