Revealing the Meaning of Guava Nose from Medical Glasses (Is It Really Bringing Hockey?)


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The shape of a person's nose can vary. Some are pug, sharp, small, and big. The shape and size of a person's nose generally will not change throughout his life because it is influenced by genetics. When your nose continues to grow and change shape, this may be a sign of rhinophima. In Indonesia, rhinofima is a medical term from a guava nose that is said to carry hockey. Hmm ... Really?

Rinofima is a rare skin problem

Rinofima is a rare skin condition that causes the nose to enlarge and round in the middle to form like a bulb.

Guava nose due to rhinofima can be the forerunner of cancer. One study reported that 3-10% of rhinophima cases developed carcinoma cancer. So, this condition still needs early diagnosis and doctor's examination.

What causes someone to have a pink nose?

The cause of this condition is unknown. But world health experts agree that nasal enlargement due to rhinophima can be triggered by enlargement of blood vessels in the nose, which makes the nose skin thick.

Rinofima was once associated with severe rosacea and excessive alcohol consumption. Both of these can indeed cause blood vessels to dilate. However, this condition can also occur in people who don't drink alcohol at all and who don't have rosacea for the rest of their lives.

Rinofima is more common in middle-aged men aged 50-70 years. This is presumably because it has something to do with the male androgen hormone. White people are also among those who are susceptible to experiencing rinofima.

What are the symptoms that appear?

Left: rhinophage nose, Right: normal nose (Source: Fox Facial Surgery)

The symptoms of rhinofima cause:

  • The nose is enlarged and rounded like a bulb or guava that hangs on the nose.
  • The skin of the nose is thick, oily and bumpy with enlarged pores.
  • The skin of the nose is red. Over time the tip of the nose will be dark red to dark purple.

Someone who has this condition will feel their nasal bones as if they continue to grow. You will also experience swelling of small blood vessels in the nose and cheeks. Over time there will be scarring of the nose.

Rinofima can sometimes be preceded by pimples on the nose. After that, you will continue to experience repeated pimples in the nose as the symptoms develop.

How do you deal with rhinophima?

To treat a pink nose, the doctor will first check your physical condition based on the symptoms that appear. He can also do a biopsy on the nose to make sure that your rhinophagus is potentially cancerous or not. Furthermore, rhinophima treatment will be adjusted to the severity of the symptoms and their causes.

Use medicine

In the beginning, your doctor may prescribe a drug called isotretinoin to reduce redness and shrink sweat glands. This drug is the first choice if the symptoms are not severe.

In some cases, the doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic ointment or cream such as tetracycline, metronidazole, erythromycin, or azaleac acid to reduce redness or inflammation in the skin of the nose. Doctors will also recommend moisturizers or drugs that can help prevent skin from drying out.


Surgery is often the last and best choice for overcoming long-term rhinophima. Surgery is needed when the nasal skin tissue continues to grow and is suspected of being potentially cancerous.

There are several surgical treatment options for rhinofima, including:

  • Dermabrasion to remove the top skin layer.
  • Freezing cyrosurgery then destroys abnormal tissue.
  • Excision, lifting growth or excess tissue.
  • Carbon dioxide laser. According to the British Dermatology Association, the risk of bleeding is less with this method but can cause skin discoloration and the appearance of scar tissue.

Each surgical choice has its own risks. The doctor will discuss with you in advance about all possible complications that can occur before determining the right procedure. Doctors can also do a combination of two surgical techniques.

Treating rinofima as early as possible can avoid permanent damage and prolonged symptoms. Even so, the risk of recurrence is still very likely to occur.

Revealing the Meaning of Guava Nose from Medical Glasses (Is It Really Bringing Hockey?)
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