What happens to the body after drinking soda


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Are you a fan of soft drinks? Maybe you should think about it because drinking soda actually has many bad effects on our body.

Today more and more brands and variants of soft drinks. Fans of this type of drink are also not small, from small children to elderly people often consume and like the taste. Its sweet taste and comes with a variety of flavors make this drink more popular from year to year. It is even known that the average consumption of soft drinks is 9.5 gallons per person per year in 1997 and increased to 11.4 gallons per person per year in 2010. This shows that soft drinks are increasingly preferred by many people.

There have been many studies that state that the habit of drinking soft drinks has a negative impact on health, such as obesity, which then people who are obese have a high risk of experiencing various degenerative diseases, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, and so on. But are you not curious about what happens to your body even shortly after drinking soft drinks?

Soda drinks are indeed not good for consumption and there will be various effects, but the impact has appeared a few minutes after you consume soft drinks. Here are the effects caused by soft drinks just after you drink them.

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Impact of drinking the first 10 minutes of soda

Usually, in one can of soft drinks there is a minimum of 10 to 15 teaspoons of sugar which is equivalent to 160 to 240 calories. The amount of sugar you get from one can of soft drink is the amount of sugar needed in one day, even the amount of the drink has exceeded your needs. The first 10 minutes, maybe some of you will feel nauseous because of the sugar that causes a very sweet taste.

20 minutes later, blood sugar increases

The large amount of sugar will affect the level of sugar in your blood. After 20 minutes of consuming soft drinks, your blood sugar increases very quickly. This then causes an increase in the production of the hormone insulin in the body to respond to high blood sugar.

But an increase in blood sugar is not only produced due to soft drinks, the food you eat also contains sugar which will further increase blood sugar. So that blood sugar accumulates and causes resistance to the insulin hormone. When the hormone insulin is resistant, you are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Too much sugar levels in the body will also be converted by insulin into fat reserves in the body. So, in a few days you might experience a drastic increase in body weight.

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In 40 minutes, blood pressure increases

In just 40 minutes, the caffeine contained in soft drinks has been absorbed entirely by the body. This will cause the pupils to enlarge and increase blood pressure drastically. Then the condition is accompanied by the appearance of the body's response to overcome blood pressure that suddenly rises. Adenosine, which is a signal receiving agent in the brain, is suppressed by the body to prevent fatigue due to increased blood pressure.

45 minutes later, addiction arises

The body then produces the hormone dopamine which usually creates a feeling of addiction and pleasure. This impact is almost the same as the impact that results when you consume heroin. The pleasure of consuming this soda will cause you to become addicted and want to consume it again and again.

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60 minutes after drinking soda, indigestion and nutrient absorption

Phosphoric acid contained in soda will bind calcium, magnesium and zinc in your small intestine. This happens only in a span of 1 hour. Calcium, magnesium, and zinc affect the metabolism of other nutrients in the body, so that if their number in the body decreases, it causes disruption to digestion and absorption of nutrients.

In addition, you will often urinate after consuming soft drinks because these drinks contain high sugar, which disrupts the absorption of water in the kidneys. And when you urinate, calcium, magnesium and zinc will also be wasted through your urine due to binding to the phosphoric acid.

Then, more than one hour after drinking soda, what happened?

Research conducted by researchers from Harvard University in 2012 found that people who drank one can of carbonated drinks alone could increase the risk of heart disease drastically and significantly. People who consume soft drinks also have a 20% chance of having a heart attack.

Not only that, the acidic nature of soft drinks causes tooth enamel to erode and cause dental plaque. Plus, soda has a low pH level and results in a decrease in saliva production, which actually serves to prevent bacterial growth in the mouth. This has a high chance of causing dental caries.

What happens to the body after drinking soda
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