Why do bones feel bad when the air is cold?


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Have you ever experienced pain in your bones during cold weather? This problem often occurs in many people, especially at night. Your bones seem to cause a cold that causes pain. So, what causes bone pain when it's cold? See the explanation below.

What causes bone pain when the air is cold?

Until now, there has been no full agreement among scientists whether the weather causes pain or pain in the bones. So, there have been no studies that prove what causes the underlying phenomenon.

However, there is one theory that makes sense. One leading theory shows the appearance of pain in the bones when the air is cold because of changes in air pressure or what is called barometric pressure in cold temperatures.

Air pressure is the air mass that surrounds us. When the air pressure decreases, it will cause the body tissue to expand or experience swelling which eventually causes pressure on the joint space. Now this is what causes pain in your joints or bones.

This pain is sometimes difficult to feel so often we do not realize it, unless we are sensitive to the stimulation of the sensation. Usually people who have indications of certain diseases such as arthritis, the nerves will be more sensitive because of injury, swelling, inflammation and scar tissue will feel sore when experiencing pressure reduction.

Nevertheless, the relationship between pain and weather changes still needs to be proven by further research.

Psychological factors also play a role

According to Dr. John Mcbeth, a pain expert and researcher from the University of Manchester said if when you experience pain, it is the result of complex interactions between biology, environment and psychology. Psychological processes can make you feel intense or less intense pain. For example, people who feel happy, positive thinking, and optimistic tend to experience far less pain than people who don't feel happy.

There are also several theories based on the condition of one's body when feeling cold. When you are in a place that has a low temperature, then your blood vessels will narrow so as to cause a decrease in blood flow to the part of the limb being blocked. Well, this makes your skin stiffer than usual, which will make more pressure on the sensitive part of the nerve.

How do you prevent bone pain when the air is cold?

There are several ways you can prevent bone pain during cold air by taking the following steps:

  • Use thick, warm clothing, but make sure if the clothes are comfortable to wear.
  • Keep the air temperature at home to keep warm by using a heating device.
  • Actively move and move to keep burning calories, which in turn can keep your body temperature warm, but it can also be a way to relax stiffness in the joints.
  • If pain and aches are unbearable, you can take painkillers according to your doctor's recommendations.
  • If you experience aches and pains in the bones that last long, don't heal, and feel at all times - not when the air is cold, consult a doctor immediately. In some cases, this may be an indication of a particular disease.
Why do bones feel bad when the air is cold?
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