Why Do We So Want To Urinate And Continue When Being Nervous?


Medical Video: The Secret Reason You Constantly Have to Pee

Do you want to urinate constantly when you feel nervous or nervous? Relax, you are not alone. Many people do feel the sensation. According to a specialist in urology from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), namely Dr. Thomas Chi, the feeling of wanting to pee is natural when you are feeling depressed. Actually, why do many people become beser aka back and forth urinating when hit by nervousness? See the following explanation.

Actually, how is the process of urine coming out?

In certain situations, when you are not feeling excited or anxious, the bladder relaxes so that urine from the kidneys can flow into the bladder. There is a valve in the bladder that can function to hold urine out.

Conversely, when the bladder is fully filled, the bladder will send signals through the nerves to the brain. After that, there will be a response in the form of a bladder contraction and opening the valve so that urine can flow out.

Why is it nervous or anxious to make someone want to urinate constantly?

There have been several studies conducted to find out the reason why we want to urinate continuously when nervous or anxious. Here are some body mechanisms that occur.

When nervousness or anxiety arises, the body enters phase fight-or-flight aka fight or run away from threats. To do one of these choices as quickly as possible, the body needs a hormone called adrenaline. The presence of stress hormones in the form adrenaline will circulate in the bloodstream and be carried to various organs of the body which will cause different body reactions.

One of the organs that are affected is the kidney. In this phase, the kidneys will increase urine production which eventually causes a feeling of wanting to pee constantly.

In addition, according to Dr. Alan Wein, a urology doctor at the University of Pennsylvania, in a state of nervousness or anxiety, the central nervous system will become more active and sensitive so that the urination reflexes occur faster.

Other body reactions related to muscles. When you are nervous or anxious, muscle contractions occur, one of which is the bladder muscle. Contraction of the bladder muscle can trigger the feeling of wanting to urinate.

anxiety or anxiety disorder

Controlling desire to urinate when anxious

The feeling of wanting to urinate continuously when you are nervous is certainly very disturbing. Now, the desire to continue urinating is one of the stress responses that you experience. Therefore, calm yourself down to reduce the body's stress response. That way, the urge to urinate will decrease by itself.

Everyone has different ways to manage anxiety and nervousness. However, some tricks that you can try are take a deep breath several times until you feel more calm.

In addition, you can shift your focus from that anxiety to ways such as listening to your favorite songs, chatting with people nearby, doing meditation, or the most useful, preparing yourself as best you can to deal with the causes of anxiety.

Suppose you are anxious because you want to take a university entrance exam or a big company. Learning or practicing skills as much as possible can help you convince yourself that you are indeed ready for all possibilities, even if you have to be rejected.

Why Do We So Want To Urinate And Continue When Being Nervous?
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