5 Tips for Healthy Fasting and Safe for Older People


Medical Video: Nutrition and Weight Loss with Amy Lee MD | UCLA Center for Human Nutrition

When someone is old, many worry about their physical health while fasting in Ramadan. In fact, this is not to worry about if parents can maintain their weight, be energetic everyday, and get the nutrients the body needs. To maintain health and fitness, it's a good idea to look at some healthy fasting tips for the elderly below.

Healthy tips for fasting parents

According to the National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Aging1 in 4 parents in the world experience malnutrition everyday. Especially if you are fasting, malnutrition in the elderly can be at risk for being overweight or underweight. This can weaken the muscles and bones of the elderly.

To meet the nutritional needs of the elderly, it is recommended to eat foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Limit foods that contain high processed sugar, fat, and salt. Seniors may also have to adjust the fasting method to prevent adverse health conditions. The following are tips and intake that must be considered:

1. Focus on nutritious food

As we get older, the caloric needs of older people may decrease, while their nutritional needs will remain the same or may increase. Eating nutrient-rich foods will help parents get the vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fats that are needed. Some examples of nutrient-rich foods that can be consumed:

  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Low fat milk
  • Nonfat protein foods
  • Limit foods that are high in calories, but low in nutrients. For example, not eating fried foods when breaking fast and not eating sugary foods and drinks containing sugar.

2. Eat fibrous foods

Fiber in the body is needed for a healthy digestive system. To avoid constipation and other problems, serve fiber-rich foods at every meal of dawn and breaking fast. In addition, soluble fiber is very important to maintain healthy cholesterol levels for parents. For example, you can consume oatmeal, beans and fruit during dawn.

3. It is recommended to take supplements

When parents fast, it may be a little more difficult to get nutrition, given the pattern and hours of eating change. Good, ask your doctor or nutritionist about whether or not you should take vitamin or mineral supplements, such as calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, or vitamin B-12.

These specific vitamins, often less absorbed or not enough are obtained by those who are elderly. But unfortunately, some supplements can interfere if someone is on certain medications. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about potential side effects and dosages before taking supplements.

4. Drink enough water

Usually parents do not pay attention to the condition of a thirsty body lacking minerals. Well, when parents fast, make sure to drink enough water or other healthy fluids. Also try to drink eight glasses or 2 liters of water every day. Minerals and water can also be obtained from drinks such as juice, tea, soup, or even fruits and vegetables that contain water.

5. Keep socializing

In addition to meeting physical needs, good needs and mental happiness when parents fast are also fulfilled. Try to do social interaction with sahur or open together with relatives, ngabuburit with elderly friends, and there are still many other activities that are socializing. With the existence of social interaction, parents can change the meaning of fasting into a pleasant thing, and not become a burden or merely endure hunger that must be carried out.

5 Tips for Healthy Fasting and Safe for Older People
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