6 Benefits of Strawberry Fruit which is Good for Body Health


Medical Video: Top 10 Health Benefits Of Strawberries

You could say, strawberries are a versatile fruit. These bright red and round spots can be eaten directly, juiced, put into fruit salads, or processed into other desserts, such as ice cream, candy, jelly, syrup, cakes, and others. But are you curious, what are the benefits of strawberries?

Various benefits of strawberries for health

1. Maintain eye health

Eye vision can get worse with age. Problems that can arise include dry eyes, optic nerve degeneration, macular degeneration, visual disturbances, and increased risk of eye infections.

Strawberry fruit enriched by the wombvitamin C and antioxidants - like flavonoids, phenolics, phytochemicals, and elagic acid.The combination of vitamin C and antioxidants can help fight free radicals which can cause a decrease in eye function. Therefore, foods that are high in vitamin C, such as strawberries, can reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

The potassium content in strawberries is also believed to be effective in overcoming the problem of ocular pressure in the eyeball, which can endanger vision.

2. Increases immunity

The immune system is the first line of defense as a body protector from various viral, bacterial, and various other dangerous potential infections. Vitamin C contained in strawberries increases the body's immune system so you don't get sick easily. Vitamin C also has antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals that can harm the body.

3. Treating joint pain and gout

Various problems of pain in joints and gout is one of the bad effects caused by free radicals. Strawberries can help treat this problem with the antioxidant content it has. It is said that eating strawberries every day can relieve joint inflammation.

4. Prevent cancer

Vitamin C, folic acid, anthocyanins, quercetin, and kaempferol are several types of flavonoids contained in strawberries which have an anti-carcinogenic effect. Therefore, this antioxidant content is believed to fight the growth of cancer-causing tumors. Daily consumption of strawberries has great benefits to reduce the possibility of dangerous cancer cell metastases.

5. Improve brain function

Entering old age, memory and cognitive abilities of the brain can decrease. Free radicals are agents responsible for the occurrence of aging. Exposure to free radicals received by the body causes brain tissue to begin to decline in function and the brain nerve weakens.

Fortunately, strawberries can help prevent these conditions. Researchers from Harvard University conducted research at Brigham and Women 's Hospital to see that increased consumption of anthocyanidin and flavonoids found in strawberries and other berries can fight memory loss.

6. Prevents high blood pressure and heart attacks

One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming foods that are rich in anthocyanins such as strawberries can prevent high blood pressure. This effect is especially seen most significantly in those aged 60 years and under. Anthocyanins are one of the strong antioxidants that can fight free radicals. Allegedly in those aged 60 years and over, damage to blood vessels is too severe so that anthocyanins cannot show its benefits.

The research conducted by Dr. Eric Rimm shows that those who often consume strawberries and other berries have a lower risk of heart attack. Although not yet known for certain, anthocyanins are thought to play an important role also in preventing heart attacks.

6 Benefits of Strawberry Fruit which is Good for Body Health
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