6 Ways to Overcome Excessive Eating When Emotions Are Overflowing


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Some people may eat more when they are stressed or emotional, this condition is called emotional eating. Many people experience emotional eating at one time only, while the other happens continuously. This if it continues to occur over a long period of time will affect your daily life, health, and weight which can be negatively affected. There are a number of things you can do to overcome this overeating due to stress. Anything? See here the answer.

Uncontrolled emotions make overeating

Apart from being stressed, overeating can also be triggered by other emotional overflowing, such as:


Not doing anything and making you bored can be one of the triggers emotional eating. Many people live very excited and active, and when someone does nothing, he will be more likely to switch to food to fill the void.


It's easier to overeat or not eat when you're tired, especially when tired and having to do unpleasant tasks. Overeating can be a solution not to do any more activities.

Social influence

You might have a friend who likes to take you out for big meals to celebrate something or just take a snack at night while relaxing.

Overcoming excessive eating when stressed

There are a number of things you can do to get away or overcome overeating when stress strikes.

1. Get to know the triggers for overeating

due to stress and food

This is the main step to overcoming overeating. You can make a diary or journal of food to help you know the triggers and situations when you are more likely to overeat because of emotions, not hunger that comes from an empty stomach.

There are a number of things you can do to overcome overeating based on the trigger.

  • If you overeat because you are bored, maybe you need to find a new book that is interesting to read when it is empty or start a new hobby that can provide challenges.
  • If you overeat because of stress, you can try yoga, meditate, or take a walk to help yourself overcome emotions.
  • If you overeat because of depression, you can find friends to chat with, invite pets to take a walk, or plan a vacation with family and close relatives to overcome negative feelings in yourself.

It can also help to talk to a therapist or psychologist to discuss other ways to deal with overeating.

2. Snacking fruits

fruit for diet

If you want to eat sweet foods to satisfy your appetite, try eating a variety of fruits. Fruits have a natural taste, but have small calories. For example, one medium-sized mandarin orange only has 50 calories.

Not only will satisfying the desire to eat sweet foods, oranges can also give you something you can do to divert your mind. Peeling and smelling orange will help calm your mind.

In addition, you can also get the benefits of vitamin C from mandarin oranges, which is to strengthen the body's immunity, especially when under stress.

3. Make peanuts a snack

baked beans

If you want to snack on crispy snacks, nuts can be an option. For example, cashews, almonds, or pistachio nuts can be your choice of healthy snacks. These beans are nuts that are low in calories, but rich in good fats and fiber, and help regulate blood sugar.

4. Look at the red one

limit sweet foods when fasting

The red color usually indicates a prohibition or must stop, so that you look at something bright red will send a strong signal to your brain to stop.

Try to eat with a red plate or put a red mark on your refrigerator. If that is not enough to stop you, at least this will make you more aware of your bad habits.

5. Drink black tea

benefits of black tea

When you are stressed, the level of the hormone cortisol will increase, which can cause weight gain. The key is to reduce cortisol, one of which is by drinking a glass of black tea.

You can also take a minute to do some light breathing exercises. Turn off your cellphone, give yourself free time to momentarily move away from your daily routine. All of this will help control your hormone cortisol which increases due to stress.

6. Sports

morning exercise after dawn

Regular exercise is often effective in reducing the production of trigger hormones. Also, it can help reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, and insomnia, while reducing the tendency to get involved emotional eating.

6 Ways to Overcome Excessive Eating When Emotions Are Overflowing
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