7 Ways to Increase Insulin Sensitivity to Avoid Diabetes


Medical Video: The Role of Insulin in the Human Body

Insulin is a hormone that controls blood sugar levels. The hormone insulin will be produced more by the pancreas when the blood sugar in the body is increasing and turning it into energy. This then makes the blood sugar levels drop back. To do this, the body's cells must be sensitive to insulin (insulin sensitivity), so that blood sugar can be converted into energy effectively and blood sugar levels drop. Increasing insulin sensitivity is important to reduce the risk and prevent diabetes.

How to improve insulin sensitivity to prevent diabetes?

High insulin sensitivity makes insulin resistance lower. That is, cells in the body are able to detect the presence of insulin, so that body cells can use blood blood sugar as energy effectively.

Some ways to improve insulin sensitivity are:

1. Exercise regularly

Exercise can help burn calories to produce energy and move sugar (glucose) to the muscles to be stored, so that sugar does not accumulate in the blood. Doing exercises that train muscle endurance is considered better in increasing insulin sensitivity. This is because the sport also builds muscle, where muscles also burn glucose while exercising.

Exercise can increase insulin sensitivity for approximately 2-48 hours, depending on the type of exercise you are doing. For example, cycling for 60 minutes at medium speed can increase insulin sensitivity for 48 hours. So, exercise! Even though you don't lose weight after exercising, your risk of developing diabetes will decrease.

2. Increase intake of fiber, especially water soluble fiber

Consuming lots of foods containing water soluble fiber can help you improve insulin sensitivity. Some studies also found that water soluble fiber can help feed good bacteria in the intestine, this is associated with increased insulin sensitivity. Some examples of foods containing soluble fiber are oatmeal, Brussels cabbage, carrots, apples, oranges, nuts, and other vegetables and fruits.

3. Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are a major cause of increased blood sugar levels. High intake of carbohydrates can cause high blood sugar levels. So, reducing carbohydrate intake can help improve insulin sensitivity. Consuming fewer servings of carbohydrates on a regular basis can make the sugar that enters the body not too much. This makes insulin work easier. Choose a source of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index as your carbohydrate source when eating.

4. Reduce additional sugar intake

Often, the intake of sugar from food enters the body in excessive amounts without you even knowing it. The two types of sugar that are often present in foods are high-fructose corn syrup (usually found in packaged food and beverages) and table sugar. Both types of sugar contain fructose, where high fructose intake can reduce insulin sensitivity, both in people with diabetes or in healthy people.

5. Reduce trans fat intake

Not only sugar, fat intake from food is also often excessive without you knowing it. Many foods contain fat, especially trans fat which is harmful to the body. These trans fats are contained in many delicious foods, like donuts and fast food. In fact, the effect on the body is very negative. Trans fat can make blood sugar levels uncontrolled and reduce insulin sensitivity.

6. Reduce weight

Keep in mind, the buildup of fat, especially in the abdominal area can reduce insulin sensitivity, which can increase your risk of developing diabetes. Abdominal fat can produce hormones that make the body become resistant to insulin. So, losing weight is the best way to get rid of belly fat, so that insulin sensitivity increases.

7. Reduce stress

Stress can make your body's metabolism disrupted, also interfere with the body's ability to regulate blood sugar. Many studies have also found that high levels of stress hormones in the body can reduce insulin sensitivity. Therefore, you really need to reduce stress. Getting enough sleep and exercising are good ways to reduce stress.

7 Ways to Increase Insulin Sensitivity to Avoid Diabetes
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