Be Careful, This Type of Fruit Contains High Pesticides


Medical Video: How to Easily Remove Pesticides From Your Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit is a source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals for the body. very good indeed if you eat a lot of fruit in one day, because your fiber, vitamin, and mineral needs will be fulfilled. But what happens if the fruit you eat actually has a negative impact on health because it contains high pesticides? What are the side effects of high pesticides on fruit for health?

Fruit types that contain high pesticides

Actually, pesticides are chemicals that are used to protect plants from pests, fungi and insects. Pesticides that are usually in the form of gas will be sprayed onto plants, so that all parts of the plant will be exposed to pesticides, including fruit.

Here are the types of fruits that may be contaminated with pesticides and contain high pesticides in them, based on a survey from The Environmental Working Group 2017:

  • Strawberry
  • Apple
  • Peach
  • Wine
  • Cherry
  • Pear

According to the US Department of Agriculture, this type of fruit is a type of fruit that is very susceptible to pesticide residues. So, don't be surprised if these fruits contain high pesticide residues.

What are the side effects of high levels of pesticides on fruit for health?

Although being able to make pests and fungi not perch on plants, pesticides on fruit have the potential to cause poisoning in humans. Here are the long-term side effects that may occur if there are high pesticides in the fruit you eat:

  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Increases the risk of various cancers, including breast cancer.
  • Resulting in fetal abnormalities.
  • Triggers blood disorders.

Symptoms that occur if you are exposed to pesticides through food

If you accidentally consume pesticides on the fruit you eat, here are short-term symptoms that might arise:

  • Feel nauseous, want to vomit
  • Feel dizzy
  • Abdominal pain
  • Difficulty breathing, and can cause hypersensitivity reactions
  • Having seizures (in severe cases)

How to reduce high pesticides on fruit?

Not that you have to avoid or not eat fruits that are susceptible to pesticides at all. You can work around this by doing a number of things that can reduce the level of pesticides in fruit or even disappear.

The following are steps to remove pesticide residues in fruit:

  • Beforehand, make sure that your hands are clean and have been washed with soap, to avoid bacterial contamination of the fruit.
  • Provide a container large enough to accommodate the fruit you buy. Then fill the container with water.
  • Add one spoonful of salt to the container that has been filled with water and stir the water slowly.
  • Put the fruits that you have bought into a container that has been filled with salt water.
  • Take one by one then rub the surface of the fruit with your hands. This rubbing method is effective for removing remnants of pesticides.
  • For the type of fruit that has a soft or soft texture, do not rub it too hard.
  • Avoid using soap when washing fruits, because actually washing fruit with water is enough.
Be Careful, This Type of Fruit Contains High Pesticides
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