Cancer Symptoms in Women Who Cannot Be Ignored


Medical Video: 15 Cancer Symptoms Women Often Ignore!

The many assumptions that cancer is a deadly disease makes many people prefer to ignore signs or not know at all than knowing that they have cancer. In fact, it is not recommended to do this because by knowing earlier the signs or symptoms of cancer that appear, then the treatment will be more effective to do so increasing the chances of recovery.

Here are some symptoms of cancer in women who should not be ignored.

1. Changes in the breast

Although a lump in the breast does not mean cancer, you still have to check with your doctor to find out the real situation. Some breast changes that need to be considered are wrinkles in the breast, nipples into, discharge of nipples, scales or red rashes on your nipples or skin of your breast.

2. Excessive pain during menstruation, or bleeding when not menstruating

If there are blood spots when you are not menstruating, consult your doctor. Because, there are various causes and possibilities if there is bleeding outside of your normal menstrual period. Moreover, many women report bleeding outside the time of menstruation and after that it is known that it is one of the symptoms of uterine cancer. In addition, bleeding after menopause is never normal and must be checked immediately.

3. Changes to the skin

Changes in the size, shape, or color of a mole or other place are common signs or symptoms of skin cancer. Consult your doctor for a thorough examination. In addition, you should also be vigilant and routinely examine the skin throughout your body to find out if there are strange-looking growths on the skin or spots.

4. There is blood in the urine or feces

You may have experienced water or stool that comes out with blood. Usually, this is often ignored because of the assumption that the discharge of blood is due to lack of fiber consumption. In fact, you should still consult with your doctor about the condition especially if the bleeding occurs more than one or two days. The presence of blood in the stool may indicate hemorrhoids or even symptoms of colon cancer. While bleeding urine can be a sign or symptom of bladder or kidney cancer.

5. Changes in lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are small pea-shaped glands around the body. Lymph nodes are part of the human immune system that can help fight infections, whether caused by bacteria, viruses, or others. So that when an infection occurs, the lymph nodes will swell to give a sign. Therefore, swollen lymph nodes (both in the neck, armpit, or groin) need to be watched out because they can be signs or symptoms of cancer, such as cancer of leukemia and lymphoma.

6. Difficulty swallowing

Indeed it sounds trivial, but if the difficulty in swallowing often occurs, you need to be careful especially if accompanied by vomiting or weight loss. Difficulty swallowing is often associated with esophagus or throat cancer; even, sometimes, difficulty swallowing is a symptom or sign of lung cancer or stomach cancer.

7. Weight continues to fall even though not on a diet

If you lose weight due to dietary efforts, there is certainly no need to worry. However, if you lose weight without dieting, you need to watch out. Weight loss can be another symptom or sign of cancer of the colon, pancreas, or digestion; weight loss can also be a sign of cancer that can spread to the liver so that it will affect your appetite and your body's ability to release food waste in the body.

8. Changes to the mouth

If you are an active smoker, pay attention to whether there are white or red spots in the mouth or on your lips? If there really is, you need to consult a doctor because it is possible to change the mouth to indicate oral cancer.

9. Fever is not lost

Fever that does not go away can be a sign or symptom of leukemia, a cancer of blood cells that starts in the bone marrow. Leukemia causes the bone marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells, and weakens the ability to fight your body's infection.

10. Coughing up blood

Usually, the cough will disappear on its own in 3 to 4 weeks. However, if the cough lasts longer and is accompanied by blood, then you need to see a doctor because coughing is the most common symptom of several types of cancer such as leukemia and lungs.

Cancer Symptoms in Women Who Cannot Be Ignored
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