Get to know the causes and drugs of effective back pain


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Lumbago, back pain, or low back pain are the same things and conditions. Lumbago is most commonly felt by people of all ages, from teenagers to the elderly. Usually, low back pain arises after lifting heavy items, sitting too long, or too long standing. But apparently, not all low back pain is caused by aches and can disappear by itself.

Symptoms of back pain to watch out for

Symptoms of back pain can arise when your waist is injured. You may feel a sensation such as shock or heat, pain, tingling and even stiffness around the waist.

At first the waist only aches, but over time the pain feels piercing so it is difficult to move or stand tall. This lumbago usually occurs because of a tight muscle after doing heavy work. Pain can be mild or it can be serious until you can't move.

The symptoms you feel usually depend on what causes your back pain. You might also feel pain reaching your legs, hips, or soles that are becoming weaker. However, the cause of back pain that often occurs is due to dislocated muscles or ligaments due to stretching or moving excessively.

What causes back pain?

The condition of back pain is usually caused by you lifting heavy objects with improper body position, turning the body, and having a bad posture. If this disorder is not dealt with quickly, it can cause injury during exercise. Sprained muscles can occur suddenly or can develop slowly due to repetitive movements. The following are common causes of low back pain:

  • Sudden movements can cause back pain
  • Fat
  • Poor posture
  • Weak muscles and abdominal pain
  • Many people get sick after sitting too long
  • Trying to take something

In addition, congenital abnormalities in the spine as well as certain medical conditions such as nerve clamping, inflammation of the hip joint, osteoporosisspinal stenosis, spondylolistesis and obesity can also be the cause of back pain. Symptoms usually disappear after a few days or weeks of treatment or can also require chronic and prolonged treatment.

Low back pain due to pain can improve on its own. However, if you don't recover within 72 hours, you should consult your doctor because it is feared to be a sign of other serious conditions.

In addition, the pain of the dish is not only felt in the back. There are those who experience right back pain and left lumbago. Are they the same, or are they different?

Causes of left lumbago

Left back pain can be a sign of certain health problems and this is quite dangerous. Especially if you don't just experience it once. Here are health problems that might be the cause of pain in your left waist:

1. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Condition IBS is a disorder of the function of the digestive system, especially the large intestine. Someone who experiences irritable bowel syndrome will experience very frequent bowel movements, diarrhea, and cause pain in the abdomen and waist.

This medical condition occurs due to several causes, such as depression, hormonal changes during menstruation, gastrointestinal infections, using certain drugs, and genetics.

Changing your diet and choosing healthy foods is one way to avoid IBS that has an impact on lumbago on the left side.

2. Pain in kidney stones

The kidneys are located on the left and right side between the waist of the body. If you feel pain if you feel left lumbago, it could be due to a problem in your left kidney. One kidney problem that causes pain is kidney stones.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, kidney stones are a disease that causes severe left lumbago pain. The stone in the kidney actually comes from chemicals that should be wasted by the body, but instead settles and hardens. It could be the trigger is your habit that doesn't drink enough water.

If you really have kidney stones, usually not only feel only lumbago, but urine bleeds and experiences nausea and vomiting.

3. Muscle cramps

Waist muscles that cramp and tighten can also cause pain. The position of bending or twisting is one of the movements that can cause your waist muscles to tighten and spasm.

When you use it too often and make wrong moves, it is not impossible that your waist muscles become tense, then tear due to being forced to move. Muscle tearing makes left waist pain occur when it occurs in the left waist. Usually the pain that is felt can spread to the buttocks and thighs.

Causes of right lumbago

back pain sacroiliitis

There are many possible sources of right lumbago, one of which is a problem in the organs in the abdomen, waist or pelvis. These aches and pains can also be caused by inflammation of internal organs or possibly infections. The following are the things that cause right lumbago:

1. Symptoms of kidney disease

Same with the problem of left lumbago, right lumbago can be a sign of kidney pain. Symptoms of kidney disease that occur usually in the form of kidney stones, urinary tract infection with kidney complications, and kidney disease have the same characteristics. Both of these conditions can cause pain below the waist, can occur on the right or left.

Symptoms of kidney disease are usually accompanied by pain when urinating and vomiting. Pain during this urination, usually occurs due to stones (crystals) kidneys that move through the ureter and eventually enter the human urinary tract.

2. The waist muscles tighten

The most common cause of right lumbago is often caused by a tightening of the muscles in the waist. Tense muscles can also be caused by different things. Examples include, when you lift something that is not in the right body position, move wrong, or do a wrong exercise. Some of these examples allow you to experience right aches or pains.

3. Degenerative spinal disease

Diseases that occur in the human spine usually occur when the discs in the lumbar region (spine) begin to decompose due to destruction. Maybe, you also know him by the name "calcification" of bones.

Usually many occur in elderly people or sometimes caused by obesity. For obesity, calcification of the bone will occur when the greater the pressure on the joint. Do not rule out the possibility, the easier the joints will become more fragile and cause right back pain.

4. Lumbar disc syndrome

The condition of the right lumbago is often caused by improper posture when lifting weights. As a result, it can reduce the function of the cartilage discus behind the body.

When the disc gap of the cartilage narrows then the bone will be pushed, causing pressure on the right or left bones or back nerves. If one nerve is disturbed, your back or waist will feel tingling, numbness and even pain easily.

Is there a powerful cure for back pain?

taking leprosy medicine
Doctor's hands holding two pills and a glass of water

Medication for back pain can be used depending on the symptoms and causes caused. In addition, besides being given prescription drugs or recommended natural remedies, you may also need some physical care or other therapies to cure your back pain.

These various treatments are generally only to reduce pain, not eliminate the source of the underlying pain. Here are some of the remedies that doctors prescribe and which are natural:

Medication for back pain by prescription

1. Anti-pain medication

Drugs NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or sodium naproxen can relieve back pain. You can find some of these painkillers easily at a drug store without a prescription. However, make sure you consume it according to the instructions on the packaging.

Using this over-the-counter pain medication can cause serious side effects. If the general dose is not effective or effective, the doctor may give prescription drugs with higher doses.

2. Topical pain relievers

If you experience a back pain but not too severe pain, you use a topical painkiller. For example, you can use patches or balms in areas that are painful.

This type of painkiller can be easily found in stalls or drug stores without using a prescription.

3. Muscle relaxants

In addition to anti-pain medication, your doctor may also prescribe muscle relaxants as a medicine for back pain if your condition does not improve. Muscle relaxants are usually used in combination with other drugs for lumbago associated with muscle spasms.

This drug works centrally on ota to tell your brain to relax stiff muscles. Some common muscle relaxant drugs include baclofen, cyclobenzaprine(Flexeril ®) and eperison (Myonal ®).

4. Antidepressant medication

Antidepressants are usually used to treat depression. Even so, this drug can also be used to treat pain by changing chemical compounds in the brain, specifically serotonin and norepinephrine.

These brain chemical compounds have been shown to affect pain receptors and mood receptors. People with chronic pain conditions that do not respond to other treatments can use this medication to control pain. One of them can relieve pain or pain in the waist.

5. Opioids

Opioids are stronger painkillers commonly used for more severe pain. This drug requires a prescription from a doctor and regular monitoring. Opoid works by blocking pain receptors in the brain. This can also affect heart rate and breathing. Some examples of opioids include morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, and codeine.

Is there a natural back pain medication?

1. Capsaicin

Capsaicin is a compound contained in chili, paprika or other kitchen spices that has a spicy flavor. This compound works by reducing certain natural substances in the body, which help pass pain signals to the brain.

In the world of medicine, capcaisin can be used as an active substance that is used to help treat minor aches and pains of muscles or joints, for example arthritis, back pain, or sprain. This drug can also be used as a traditional medicine for back pain and nerve pain.

2. Ginger

Although further studies are needed, the latest research says that ginger extract can help with joint and muscle pain because it contains phytochemicals. Phytochemicals themselves are compounds that help stop inflammation, so they can be used as traditional medicine for back pain.

In the study it was found that patients who were regularly given ginger experienced significant improvements in pain, swelling, and stiffness.

3. Turmeric

Unlike other plant species, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has found that turmeric can work best in combating joint pain when taken effectively.

The content of curcumin in turmeric is believed to be a good anti-inflammatory to reduce joint pain. The use of high doses of turmeric or long-term use can cause digestive disorders. That is why, please consult your herbalist or doctor before using turmeric as a traditional medicine for back pain.

4. Cold or hot compresses

Do not underestimate cold or hot compresses as herbal lumbago remedies. Because, this method is effective to help the healing process of back pain.

Reporting from WebMD, E. Anne Reicherter, PhD, PT, DPT, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said that giving cold compresses for (1-2 days) days after injury can reduce inflammation. After 48 hours, you can switch to hot compresses, balms or topical ointments if you like them.

Whether it's a hot or cold compress, it's important to give a break of at least 20 minutes so that your skin can rest. If after compressing the pain still continues, immediately consult a doctor.

5. Soak warm water

When you bathe in warm water, the nerves and muscles that tighten will relax so that you become more relaxed. Not only that, bathing in warm water can also facilitate blood circulation and stimulate the production of the hormone dopamine to fight stress in the body. That is why, soaking in warm water can be an herbal lumbago medicine.

For traditional lumbago, taking 2-3 hours before going to bed can be the best choice. Consider using a bath pillow to support your back and waist while bathing in warm water.

Get to know the causes and drugs of effective back pain
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