High blood pressure when checking at home, but normal when going to the doctor. How come?


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Do you have your own blood pressure check tool at home? For people who are at risk for hypertension (high blood pressure) you should provide a blood pressure monitor. Especially if your parents or grandfather have a history of hypertension.

Unfortunately, some people complain that when checking at home, their blood pressure is high or worrying. But when check up to the doctor, your blood pressure seems fine. This is what is called covert hypertension. See the full explanation about covert hypertension below.

What is covert hypertension?

Covert hypertension occurs when your blood pressure when checking independently at home is quite high, which is around 135/85 mmHg. But when your blood pressure is checked by a doctor or nurse, the levels are normal, not too high. This case is the opposite of hypertension white coat (doctor's white coat), where the patient's blood pressure rises when examined by a doctor or nurse.

According to a 2005 study in the journal Circulation, cases of covert hypertension are far more common than hypertension white coat. Covert hypertension is also more dangerous because doctors find it difficult to detect possible heart disease or other complications due to rising blood pressure. Most patients with this type of hypertension also claim to have stopped taking medication because they feel their blood pressure is fine.

Causes of covert hypertension

Similar to hypertension white coat caused by nervousness or anxiety when seeing a doctor, covert hypertension is also caused by environmental factors. However, the opposite of hypertension white coat, You may be more nervous, stressed, and worried when you are at home or office. It could be because there are problems related to household or work. Being able to be in the hospital can also make you relax because you know you are in the right hands. So when checked, your blood pressure tends to be normal.

Other factors are sedentary lifestyle (lack of motion). When checking independently, you may be feeling tired from working all day, running out, or lack of sleep due to overtime. As a result, blood pressure jumped immediately. Whereas when your blood pressure is checked at the hospital, you are in a calm condition and not tired. So the results are not worrying.

In addition, people who have unstable blood pressure can also experience hidden hypertension. For example in the elderly or prehypertensive people (have a high risk of experiencing hypertension).

Who might have covert hypertension?

Compiled from a number of studies, there are certain people who are more susceptible to being covered by hypertension. Here are the various risk factors.

  • Diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
  • Chronic kidney failure
  • Male gender
  • Stress and other psychological stresses
  • Smoke
  • Often consume alcoholic beverages
  • Heredity of hypertension

What should I do if I have covert hypertension?

Tell your cardiologist or doctor if your blood pressure is usually higher than when you check in a hospital or clinic. To prevent the possibility of a heart attack or stroke due to hypertension, you must make various lifestyle changes. For example, by undergoing a special diet for people with hypertension, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and avoiding stress.

In addition, if you have been diagnosed with hypertension before, don't stop taking the medication your doctor prescribes. Unless the doctor does ask or give permission to stop treatment.

High blood pressure when checking at home, but normal when going to the doctor. How come?
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