Is it true that drinking lots of water can prevent urinary tract infections?


Medical Video: Urinary Tract Infection | How To Prevent UTI (2018)

Urinary tract infection more common in women than men. At least, around 40-60 percent of women will experience it once in their entire lives. One in four women is even susceptible to recurrence of infection, if it is not prevented and dealt with completely before. Actually you do not need to bother to redeem urinary tract medicine at the pharmacy. This simple trick is quite effective to reduce your risk of getting a UTI, even without the side effects of the drug. What is that?

Why are women more susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTI)?

Urinary tract infections are infections that can occur in any part of your urinary system, which can affect the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections usually attack the lower urinary tract, the bladder and urethra (the last channel that removes urine outside the body).

Women have a shorter urethra than men. In addition, the female urethra is also closer to the anus. Both of these factors can make bacteria in the vagina and / or anus more easily enter the woman's bladder. Sexual activity can also trigger the transfer of bacteria from the vagina to the urethra, so that it can cause infection in the urinary tract.

Drinking water is more effective to prevent infection than having to take urinary tract infections

The above statement was reported by a study by the University of Miami School of Medicine after involving as many as 140 healthy women aged under 45 years who had at least been infected with UTI at least three times in the past year. Half of the participants were asked to drink more than 2.5 liters of water per day, while others continued to drink in their usual daily portions.

After one year of observation, researchers found that women who drank a little water had a threefold increased risk of urinary tract infections, while women who drank a lot of water experienced only an average increase of 1.6 times. In total, researchers concluded the risk of urinary tract infections after increasing water intake decreased by 48 percent.

The increased risk of infection in women who rarely drink water also means that they also have to go back and forth to consume more antibiotics as a drug for urinary tract infections. Conversely, groups of women who drink lots of water only need twice a prescription.

Why can drinking lots of water reduce the risk of UTI?

Drink plenty of water triggers you for more frequent urination. Indirectly, back and forth pee can help rinse more bacteria into the bladder. This also helps reduce the possibility of bacteria to attach to cells in the urinary tract wall that can cause infection.

Drink enough water

Apart from the findings of the research above, many doctors have long advised every woman to increase drinking water to reduce the risk of getting a UTI. The water needs of each person can vary. But in general, drinking 8 glasses of water a day (about 2 liters) can meet the water needs of many people.

Drinking water is an easy and safe way to prevent infection rather than having to take urinary tract infections. Reducing antibiotic consumption can also help reduce the risk of occurrence antibiotic resistance.

Is it true that drinking lots of water can prevent urinary tract infections?
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