Is it true that Santan Makes Blood Pressure Rise?


Medical Video: High Blood Pressure | Hypertension | Nucleus Health

Do you have high blood pressure? People who have high blood pressure must control their food intake, especially those with salt because salt is one of the causes of increased blood pressure. How about coconut milk? Many people with high blood pressure also avoid coconut milk. They fear blood pressure can rise after eating coconut milk. But, is this true?

Nutritional content in coconut milk

Coconut milk is made from coconut juice. Indeed, coconut is one of the fruit that is very useful, to the extent that the juice of the meat alone can be made into coconut milk. Santan can then be one of the ingredients for various dishes and cakes, for example rice uduk, chicken opor, rendang, klepon, apem cake, and many more.

Coconut juice is known to have a negative impact on health. But, what exactly is the content of coconut milk? This is it.


One glass of coconut juice (about 250 ml) contains 5.5 grams of protein. This protein is a good ingredient because the body needs to repair damaged tissue and build tissue.


The fat contained in coconut juice is 57 grams per one glass. The amount is quite a lot. Plus, the type of fat contained in coconut milk is mostly a type of saturated fat. This saturated fat is obtained from the content of lauric acid in coconut oil in coconut milk.

Sodium and potassium

These two types of minerals that are closely related to blood pressure are found in coconut juice. In one glass of coconut juice, it contains 631 mg of potassium. This is a fairly high number. Meanwhile, the sodium content is quite small, which is only 36 mg or less than 2% of the recommended requirements.

Iron, zinc and folate

One glass of coconut juice contains 4 mg of iron, 1.6 mg of zinc, and 38 mg of folate. This amount is enough to meet your body's needs for these nutrients. Where, all three are important nutrients for the body.

Is it true that coconut milk can make blood pressure rise?

When viewed from the sodium content in coconut milk, it seems that coconut milk cannot cause blood pressure to rise because the sodium content is only small. Indeed, the high content of potassium in coconut milk can prevent you from high blood pressure.

However, consuming too much coconut juice is also not good because of its high fat content. High fat content can make your fat and calorie intake excess, which causes weight gain. This is certainly bad for those of you who have hypertension. Because, excessive weight is one of the factors that can make deterioration in the condition of hypertensive patients

If indeed you have high blood pressure, you may still be able to eat foods that contain coconut milk. However, pay attention to the amount. Not too much!

What about cholesterol?

Coconut juice doesn't seem to cause your bad cholesterol levels to rise. Although coconut juice contains high saturated fat, this type of saturated fatty acid is different from what is commonly found in animal products.

This saturated fatty acid is in the form of lauric acid, where lauric acid will be converted by the body into monolaurin which can act as an antiviral and antibacterial in the body. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has also proven that lauric acid is beneficial in increasing good cholesterol levels and strengthening the immune system.

Is it true that Santan Makes Blood Pressure Rise?
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