What Is the Result If We Often Hold Urination?


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The need to urinate is truly a natural thing. That is why we need to do it with a certain frequency, so that our bodies can eliminate all waste and waste products that are not needed. The habit of someone to hold urine can cause serious consequences. Urinary retention can produce severe urinary tract infections. This happens because the germs present in the urine have been too long in the bladder. Over time, this infection can spread to the kidneys and cause more serious conditions. Want to know what is the result of holding back urination? Let's see the answer below.

As a result of holding urine (urinating)

1. Urinary tract infections (urinary tract infection)

Ketchup infection is a common side effect of holding urine for too long. This is caused by a collection of bacteria around the opening of your urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside) tends to get into it when you don't urinate often enough. According to Dr. Anthony Komaroff from Harvard Medical School, UTI is a common thing due to holding urine too long, because urination helps you to get rid of bacteria, if you hold it back, then the bacteria have the opportunity to multiply.

2. Very sensitive bladder

The sensitivity of a person's bladder varies, influenced by what we eat or drink, but holding urine can make your bladder much more sensitive. This is because your bladder stretches to adjust the increase in the amount of urine in it. Therefore, the sensor becomes overactive and makes you feel urinated more often than usual. Incidentally, this is also a common sign of urinary tract infection. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor.

3. Bladder swelling

On average, urinary jars can store up to 15 fluid ounces. If you drink eight glasses of water a day, the amount of liquid you consume is about 64 ounces, or the average bladder can store up to about a quarter of the water you drink every day. So, even if you drink lots of water to keep your body and kidney fluids in good condition, it will not have a good effect on your health if you also don't throw it away regularly.

One of the main reasons why you are advised to drink enough fluids is that it is important to help cleanse your kidneys, and that can happen if you insert and remove fluids from the body in a balanced manner.

4. Kidney stones

People who are susceptible to developing kidney stones and who hold their urine for any reason must pay for it with the consequences of kidney stones and even worse. Kidney stones are small "stones" that form in the kidneys from excess sodium and calcium, and if these mineral deposits are not released regularly through urine, they will form stones. When you want to get it out through the urinary tract, you will feel tremendous pain.

5. Interstitial cystitis (IC)

This condition is caused by a bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the bladder. Symptoms of IC include pain in the pelvis and iron (by involving urinating more than sixty times a day. Although there is no cure for IC, there are a number of treatments to help you ease the pain.

6. Kidney failure

This medical condition is caused when the kidneys fail to filter out toxins and waste from the blood and may be the result of an infection caused by holding your urine. Symptoms of kidney failure include bruising, bloody stools, and mood swings. Kidney failure requires medical attention, so the doctor can remove toxins to restore kidney function. Dialysis or even a transplant will be needed if the infection is severe.

What should be done to prevent it?

Because nerves send signals to the brain when the bladder is full, it is important for you to pay attention to warning signs that the bladder is ready to urinate. A feeling of bloating or fullness in the bladder will indicate the right time to urinate. To ensure the bladder remains healthy, you must urinate as often as needed to avoid urine buildup. In addition, you are advised not to drink excessively before going to a place that does not provide a toilet.


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What Is the Result If We Often Hold Urination?
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