Why Does the Body Even Feel Tired When Waking Up Early? (Plus, How to overcome it)


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Sleep is almost everyone's favorite resting activity. During sleep, you will rinse all the rest of the fatigue from yesterday, and hope to wake up in the morning more vigorously. But instead of waking up in fresh conditions, you might even get tired. Why is the body tired when I wake up?

The most common causes of fatigue when you wake up are

If you feel you have slept well for 8 hours but still feel tired when you wake up, this might be due to your messy sleep pattern. Because the body already has its own alarm called the circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms regulate every aspect of our lives from within, especially helping your body know when to wake up and go to sleep.

The workings of the circadian rhythm follow the pattern of changes in habits, physical activity, mentality, behavior, even to the light conditions of your environment in a 24-hour cycle. The body's biological clock also helps regulate hormone production, body temperature, and various other bodily functions.

Sleep is a way for the body's circadian clock to reset automatically. The dim atmosphere and cold weather at night will trigger the brain to release two sleepy trigger hormones, namely melatonin and adenosine, to indicate that it's time to sleep. Both of these hormones will continue to be produced throughout the night to keep you asleep, and usually begin to stop being produced around 6-8 in the morning.

On the other hand, there are many things that can change the work of the circadian rhythm. One of the most common is poor sleep habits. The habit of staying up late or sleeping late, playing cellphones before going to bed, the room temperature is too hot, and sleeping with the lights on can make your circadian rhythm fall apart. As a result, the quality of your sleep becomes worse. Body fatigue and headache after waking up are common side effects of changes in this circadian rhythm.

Body fatigue and headache after waking up may also be caused by dehydration and low blood sugar after not getting any food intake for 8 hours of sleep.

Some conditions can cause a tired body to wake up

1. Back and forth urinating at midnight

Richard M. Foxx, MD, an endocrinologist, gynecologist and aesthetic specialist in California said that the habit of going back and forth to urinating at midnight can disrupt your circadian rhythm and sleep cycle, causing the body to get tired when he wakes up the next day.

This habit is generally influenced by age, but can also be based on several medical conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney infections, anxiety disorders, and diabetes.

2. Sleep restlessly, move a lot

Some people may have "grasping" sleep habits, aka cannot be quiet. Last night you might lie straight, but the next morning the position of the head is at the foot of the bed and the pillow is thrown to the floor.

This can indicate that you have restless leg syndrome or restless leg syndrome (RLS). Usually, people who have RLS experience feelings such as tingling, tickling, burning, itching, or discomfort in their legs or even other body parts. Moving the limbs will slightly reduce the discomfort, hoping to sleep a little more peacefully.

But ironically, the habit of shaking these legs can actually disrupt your sleep. Maybe you will wake up more often in the middle of the night or even continue to be trapped in the phase of "sleeping chicken" aka still half asleep-half awake, so that the body gets tired when I wake up in the morning.

3. Drink alcohol before going to bed

Many people think that drinking alcohol can help you sleep well. Even though this is wrong. Drinking alcohol before bed makes sleeping soundly only at the beginning of bedtime. You will be more likely to wake up in the middle of the night, so that your sleep time will be cut a lot.

Changes to the sleep cycle and circadian rhythm can also make you experience nightmares, which can aggravate the habit of waking up at midnight. In the end, your body feels more tired when you wake up plus headaches and dehydration due to the effects of alcohol hangover. Women are even more susceptible to this effect than men.

4. Grinding the teeth while sleeping

The habit of clenching teeth during sleep, aka bruxism, can make you tired when you wake up. This is caused by the jaw and mouth muscles that continue to move and tighten during sleep. This condition will clearly make you feel tired when you wake up because you continue to spend energy without your awareness.

For that, immediately consult with your doctor about this problem. Signs bruxism will be clearly visible at the time of examination and the doctor will provide the best treatment to deal with it.

5. Have sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a chronic sleep disorder characterized by cessation of breath for a moment or repeated several times during sleep due to a blocked airway. This condition can result in someone snoring while sleeping.

Sleep apnea causes stress on the body and is very unlikely to rest well.

How to overcome fatigue when you wake up

The best way to overcome fatigue when you wake up is to prevent it. Here are some things you can do to overcome this condition.

  1. Take herbal teas, such as chamomile tea, a few hours before bedtime to make the body relax.
  2. Soaking warm water 30 minutes before going to bed helps flex the tense muscles after a day of activity. This can also help you get a better quality sleep.
  3. Does not play gadget one hour before going to bed because the blue light radiation produced will disrupt your circadian rhythm.
  4. Turning off the lights while sleeping can help you sleep better. No matter how little light can send signals to the body to continue working because some hormones are very sensitive to this light.
  5. Consistent with your sleep time can help you wake up feeling more refreshed. Applying bedtime and sticking to it can make your sleep cycle organized so that the body also works together to apply when it's time to work and when it's time to rest.
  6. Set the room temperature at a size of 18-22 degrees Celsius to make sleep better.

If you still feel tired when you wake up even though you have done various ways to prevent it, consult your doctor to find out the exact cause and get the right treatment.

Why Does the Body Even Feel Tired When Waking Up Early? (Plus, How to overcome it)
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