3 benefits that can be obtained from drinking coffee before exercise


Medical Video: 4 Reasons Why Caffeine Makes Workouts Better | Jim Stoppani, Ph.D.

If you like exercising in the morning, maybe to fight drowsiness and weakness You need to drink a cup of coffee first to make it more fresh. However, can you actually drink coffee before exercise? Apparently according to various studies, you can get various health benefits when drinking coffee before starting exercise in the morning. Check out the explanation below and don't be afraid to drink coffee before exercising!

Benefits of drinking coffee before exercise

You may drink coffee before exercise, not after. After exercise you need nutrition that can help restore the body. Whereas if you drink coffee before, the caffeine content in your coffee can make the exercise session maximal. More specifically, note the three important benefits of drinking coffee before exercise below.

1. Prevent muscle pain

According to a study from the University of Illinois in the United States (US), drinking coffee approximately one hour before exercise can prevent muscle pain. The results of similar studies were also proven by experts from the University of Georgia in the US. Drinking coffee one hour before exercise can reduce pain by 48 percent.

That way, you also become more comfortable exercising. Especially if you are undergoing high-intensity training or you have to exercise for quite a long time.

2. Promotes blood circulation

Experts from the University of Ryukyus in Japan managed to prove that drinking coffee can accelerate your blood circulation by as much as 30 percent. The smoother your blood flow, all parts of your body such as muscle tissue and bone will get enough oxygen and white blood cells.

This will help work muscles and bones while you are actively moving or exercising. Then your sports performance will improve.

3. Increase physical endurance

A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology shows that drinking coffee before exercise can help increase your physical endurance. You don't get tired easily and can enjoy your fitness training more every day.

Because the caffeine in coffee is able to refresh the mind and make you feel more powerful.

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Safe rules for drinking coffee before exercise

Although you may drink coffee before exercise, there are a number of rules that must be remembered if you want to get all the benefits as much as possible. Check the rules for safe drinking coffee before starting to exercise the following.

1. Drink coffee one hour before exercise

Caffeine in coffee takes half an hour to an hour to be fully absorbed by the body. So, try to drink coffee when you wake up early, before starting exercise.

2. Don't add cow's milk or sugar

Cow's milk will be processed longer by the body so you are at risk of experiencing digestive disorders while exercising.Coffee that is too sweet can also make your blood sugar unstable. Research shows the best benefits arise when coffee is drunk without milk (black coffee).

3. Keep drinking water

Remember, coffee is a diuretic or triggers the body to expel fluid. Whether it's through sweat or through urine So during your exercise sebaikanya still drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.

4. Drink coffee and exercise regularly

If you routinely undergo a sport that starts with a cup of coffee every day, your body will become more adaptable. The body becomes able to read signals not to expel too much body fluid when you exercise.

3 benefits that can be obtained from drinking coffee before exercise
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