5 Healthy Ways to Eat Burger in a Diet to Keep Your Weight Maintained



Burgers are delicious and easy to make. No wonder many people like burgers. However, unwittingly the calories in one burger fruit are quite large. So you should be careful, don't overeat especially if you're on a strict diet. Even so, that does not mean you can not eat burgers when diets lose weight. There are tips and tricks to make your burger healthier and safer for weight. So, how to make a healthy burger for the diet?

How to make a healthy burger that is safe for those of you who are dieting

1. Choose low-fat meat

grilled meat

One source of calories high enough in a burger is the meat. Yes, most people might prefer fatty meats, but without realizing this this makes the calories in the burger soar.

So, the first trick to making a healthy burger is to choose low-fat, small-sized meat. You can boil this meat without oil or margarine to reduce the calories added to the burger.

In addition, you can also bake if you want a drier texture, but not too long to burn. This method also makes the oil content attached to the meat disappear.

Roasting meat on a perforated rack will make the fat from the meat drip down to reduce the amount of fat and calories. This is the difference with frying. If you fry the meat, it will absorb oil so that it adds more calories and fat.

However, don't forget to make sure your burger meat is cooked perfectly until the pink color in the middle turns brown.

2. Not only beef, use other types of meat

red meat vs white meat

In order for a healthy burger and not to interfere with the diet, you can also outsmart it by choosing the type of meat that is indeed low in fat and cholesterol. For example, chicken meat or fish meat that tends to have lower fat than beef.

But remember, if you choose chicken, remove the skin because the fat content is quite high. Red meat like beef or pork contains more cholesterol and saturated fat than fish and chicken.

Not only does it contribute more calories, but cholesterol and saturated fat in red meat are higher so that the risk of developing heart and blood vessel disease increases.

3. Don't use most sauce

tomato sauce and chili sauce

Don't rub too much seasoning, like mayonnaise and other sauces on bread. The sauces are high in saturated fat and sodium, making the burger even more unhealthy.

Eating lots of sodium can indeed make weight gain. Because, sodium is binding on water and makes the weight of water in the body increase. This ultimately makes the numbers on your scale go up.

4. Choose healthy burger bread

Burger bread is a source of carbohydrates which if consumed in excess can also turn into fat deposits. So, choose burger bread from whole wheat bread that contains lots of fiber. If there is no special burger bread made from whole wheat, you can make it from ordinary whole wheat bread. Cut to a round shape resembling a burger.

Whole wheat bread will keep you full longer because of the fiber content so you can eat less throughout the day. Whole wheat bread also provides more nutrients than ordinary bread that is not whole wheat.

Reported on the Livestrong website, choosing whole wheat bread can actually help burn belly fat based on an in-depth study American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It was found that the group of people who ate whole wheat had the greatest decrease in belly fat compared to the other groups.

When you go to a restaurant and there is no type of burger bread with whole grain choices, you can work around this by eating half the bread from your burger. For example, the top only or the bottom only.

5. Add lots of vegetables

the benefits of lettuce

A healthy way to eat a burger while on a diet that is not to be missed is to add a lot of vegetables to the burger pile. Put in a stack of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber or mushroom burgers, to fill the contents of the burger. Vegetables are very low in calories and contain a variety of important mineral vitamins to accelerate the body's metabolism, including burning calories in the body.

Fiber in vegetables also helps you to quickly fill up so you can reduce other food intake.

Also, don't forget to add the onion slices in the burger. Onions contain high levels of nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants called quercetin. This quercetin antioxidant can help increase energy expenditure or burn calories in the body while helping reduce inflammation in the body.

5 Healthy Ways to Eat Burger in a Diet to Keep Your Weight Maintained
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