6 Assumptions About Diabetes That Turn Out To Be Wrong


Medical Video: Peter Attia: What if we're wrong about diabetes?

Diabetes or diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels, which also indicates a disturbance in the body's metabolic system. Food eaten by diabetics will be processed into sugar, or commonly called glucose. Glucose is absorbed by the intestine and then circulated throughout the body by blood vessels.

There are many prohibitions and health recommendations for diabetics, including diets that are carried out to keep blood sugar levels stable. Check out some of the diabetic diet facts and myths for you below.

1. Myth: Diabetes is not a dangerous disease

The fact: Diseaseabetes causes more deaths per year than breast cancer and AIDS if the two diseases are combined. People with diabetes are almost twice as likely to have a heart attack. But that is a bit of a relief, if your diabetes can be controlled properly, you can reduce your risk of developing dangerous diabetes complications.

2. Myth: Diabetics cannot eat sweet foods

The fact: The true fact is that when you are diagnosed with diabetes, start a diet with foods that can be converted into energy. Sugar is an energy source that can be digested by the body so that you can have maximum energy, but by being consumed at a reasonable dose.

3. Myth: Diabetics must diet with special foods

The fact: "A healthy diabetes diet is the same diet for a healthy diet," said Alison Massey, a diabetic dietician at the Diabetes Center of Mercy Medical Baltimore. The American Diabetes Association recommend diebetes diet with low-fat foods and food ingredients made from foods such as wheat, vegetables, and fruits.

4. Myth: Diabetics are prohibited from eating potatoes

The fact: Potatoes contain high carbohydrates, but you can still enjoy potatoes with a slightly modified recipe. You can also eat other carbohydrate-rich foods, such as pasta, bread, and rice, only not in excessive portions

5. Myth: People with diabetes should not eat chocolate and candy

The fact: Candy and chocolate if accompanied by a healthy diet program, or combined with exercise, both may be eaten by diabetics. Strategies for consuming sweets and chocolate, eating small portions is not too much, considering the health of diabetics depending on the food eaten. Then you can eat it on special occasions, the rest you can eat healthy food.

6. Myth: Diabetics are free to eat anything if they have taken diabetes medication

Fact: If you use insulin for your diabetes, you can adjust the amount and dose of insulin you use, to adjust the amount of food you eat. But this does not mean you can eat as much as you want and then only use additional drugs to stabilize your blood sugar level.

If you use diabetes medications, don't try to adjust your dosage to match different levels of carbohydrates in your diet, unless you have consulted a doctor.


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6 Assumptions About Diabetes That Turn Out To Be Wrong
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