Is Garlic and Ginger Really Treating Cancer?


Medical Video: Ginger Root : How to Make Ginger & Garlic Tea

Garlic and ginger are kitchen spices that can be cured to treat cancer. Is it true that the two kitchen ingredients are effective at healing cancer?

Is it true that garlic can treat cancer?

eat garlic

Garlic is currently being investigated for its ability to reduce the risk of cancer. Actually there is not enough evidence that consuming large amounts of garlic can prevent cancer. Making garlic as part of your daily diet is a good thing to do unless you find a problem in the treatment that someone is undergoing.

Most research results say that garlic has a great effect. Consumption of garlic can reduce the risk of cancer in the stomach, prostate, mouth, throat, kidney and colorectal. A recent study shows that consumption of garlic in high amounts can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 30 percent.

However, the evidence for this research is only a small amount, so suggestions for consuming garlic and allium should be investigated further. The benefits and risks of breast, bladder, ovarian and lung cancer are still unclear. Only observational studies can explain the difference in cancer risk. The results of research on garlic supplements say that there has been no evidence that supplemental garlic can help fight cancer.

Problems and complications that may occur due to eating garlic

the efficacy of garlic for coughing

Consumption of garlic in high amounts in causing irritation of the digestive tract, causes stomach ache, and increases the risk of bleeding because garlic has anti-clotting properties.

Garlic affects the enzymes in the liver which help eliminate the effects of certain drugs in the body so that the effects of the drug can decrease, while patients who are undergoing chemotherapy actually need the effects of these drugs. This effect is still being studied, and the choice to consume garlic supplements should be consulted with your doctor first.

Although observational research brings quite encouraging results about the active substances contained in garlic, other information is also needed to obtain stronger evidence.

Only a few studies have studied garlic, its benefits, and the risks of treating cancer. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking large amounts of food or beverage supplements.

Then, is it true that ginger can treat cancer?

Ginger is a plant originating from Southeast Asia, but ginger plants are now also grown in the United States, China, India and other tropical countries. Ginger root is part of a plant that is used as a herbal medicine.
Ginger is quite popular in cancer treatment because eating ginger or taking ginger supplements is said to prevent nausea for people who are undergoing chemotherapy.

Is there evidence that ginger can treat cancer?

Ginger has been used to control or prevent nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness. Ginger has also been used as an anti-inflammatory or drug that is useful in reducing pain and swelling such as arthritis, as a cold medicine, helps digestion, and relieves nausea in cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy.

Although scientific evidence is not available, some parties who support the benefits of ginger also mention that ginger can prevent the development of tumors. But ginger extracted in supplement form does not have the same benefits as the original ginger plant. Thus, the results of research on ginger extract and ginger plants will not be the same.

In clinical trials, patients will receive cisplatin, which is the addition of ginger to the drug and is useful for reducing symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Recent research says that before and during treatment chemotherapyginger can help reduce nausea due to the effects of the drug. Ask your food expert and doctor to find out if you can take ginger or ginger supplements to find out which supplements will be right for consumption.

The ability of ginger to reduce nausea and vomiting is related to the results of surgery in patients. The results of the study state that ginger can function to reduce the effects of nausea and vomiting after or before surgery.

Problems or complications that might arise due to consumption of ginger

the efficacy of ginger

The taste and aroma of ginger is able to soothe the stomach, and it is rare to find people who have allergies to ginger or feel a stomach ache from consuming ginger. Ginger supplements may effectively treat nausea and vomiting in cancer treatment, but can also interfere with blood clotting and have dangerous side effects for people who are undergoing cancer treatment and anti-coagulation therapy.

Ginger is beneficial to the body and can be used to improve health. The best way to get the benefits of ginger is to consume fresh ginger. Some products contain ginger, such as ginger candy. However, the amount of ginger in some ginger products is very small and can increase the number of unwanted calories.

Tea made from ginger can be a good alternative as an option in consuming ginger products. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking large amounts of ginger supplements.

Is Garlic and Ginger Really Treating Cancer?
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