Like what portion of eating is right so that a fast diet works?


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Eating healthy foods is one of the main keys if you are on a strict diet. Maybe you have chosen a healthy diet, but do you know how to eat and share food on your plate?

What is the right portion of eating to lose weight?

Before knowing how to share your portion of food in one meal, you must first know the calorie needs per day - which is influenced by height, weight, age, and physical activity. Then, the calories in a day will be divided into each meal time, namely breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Usually, daily calorie needs will be divided into:

  • Breakfast ration: 20% of total calories
  • Ration for lunch: 30% of total calories
  • Dinner rations: 25% of total calories
  • The rest is a ration for snacks of 30% that you can divide into 3 times, so once you eat a snack you can spend 10% of total calories.

For example, your calorie needs in one day are 2000 calories, so for breakfast you can spend around 400 calories, lunch as much as 600 calories, and dinner reaches 500 calories. Then, you can still eat snacks that have as many as 600 calories and you should divide the snack into 3 times so that the stomach always feels full and not rumbling.

How to share portions of staple foods, side dishes and vegetables at one meal?

In accordance with the balanced nutrition guidelines issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2014, you should no longer take rice or side dishes at will, because the guidelines have explained how much rice or side dishes should be eaten at one time.

Here is a dinner plate guide that you have to do if you want the diet to succeed:

  • Vegetables. Fill one third of your dinner plate with vegetables. As recommended, you should eat 250 grams of vegetables a day, so for one meal you have to spend at least 100 grams. The size of 100 grams of vegetables is equivalent to one glass of vegetable starch that has been cooked and drained.
  • Fruits. For fruit, have one-fifth of the portion in your dinner plate. Actually the fruit needs you need are around 150 grams. So, you can consume 50 grams every time you eat heavily. The size of 50 grams of fruit is equivalent to one banana or two medium-sized field oranges.
  • Staple food. Allot the staple food by one-third of the plate, just like the portion of vegetables you eat, which is about one third of the plate. staple foods are not only rice, but you can also choose other foods if you are bored with rice, such as potatoes, noodles, rice noodles, sweet potatoes, cassava and so on.
  • Side dishes. While the rest of the plate is still empty, you can fill it with various types of side dishes consisting of animal and vegetable proteins. Each source of animal protein you can consume as much as one serving.

Other provisions that can help accelerate the success of your diet

If you have chosen healthy foods and arranged your meal portions, then you are getting closer to the results of the diet you want. But, don't forget to limit the use of salt and sugar which can frustrate your diet. In addition, exercising regularly if you are on a diet, the law is mandatory. You will not be able to achieve satisfactory results if you don't do it too.

Like what portion of eating is right so that a fast diet works?
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