Do you like to be angry-angry without cause? Maybe 4 of these are the trigger


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You might know someone whose emotions are easily ignited by trivial things. Or maybe, just like yourself? Angry is a normal emotional overflow. However, it is always grumbling without conclusions that are certainly not good for your health and well-being - also for your relationships with other people around. Therefore, you need to know what makes you like to be angry for no reason so you know how to handle it right.

Like to be angry for no reason? Probably because…

1. You lack sleep

According to Julie de Azevedo Hanks, Ph.D, LCSW, a family counseling psychologist, said that there are several things that can cause people to be angry without cause. The thing that often causes emotions to explode unconsciously is because you are tired or not getting enough sleep.

Lack of sleep can cause the brain to fatigue so that its work decreases. As a result, you have difficulty concentrating, so you like to be confused yourself, it's hard to think clearly, so it's difficult to digest new information. A body that is exhausted coupled with a sluggish brain work makes your productivity fall sharply which then becomes fruitful to stress.

Stress due to job demands plus various effects of sleep deprivation can make your emotions explode like a time bomb. For example, you feel anxious because your work is not finished yet deadline already closed. Then, if someone else is asking for your job or something else related to work, you can get angry easily. In fact, you should not need to be angry to respond.

2. You are depressed

Hanks also said that someone who likes anger without cause can be caused by depression that he might have, whether consciously or not.

Apart from causing despair and misery, depression can also cause someone to get angry easily. Even sometimes, depressed people can respond to something with rude behavior or speech. Depression might also make someone do something risky, for example like driving at high speed.

Anxiety disorders can also make someone easily explode. This is because excessive anxiety can make it difficult for them to regulate their emotions. Anxious people tend to be negative about something, even though what is actually imagined has not happened or is even potentially good. As a result, when a challenging situation arises or when provoked by an unpleasant condition, they throw it out in an angry manner.

Depression and anxiety disorders should not be underestimated. If lately you often get angry but feel very tired and not energized to move, also always feel depressed, you should consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

3. You feel ignored

In addition to some of the causes above, psychologist Rebecca Wong, LCSW, argues that feelings of being ignored or ignored by people can make a person angry easily.

Humans are basically social beings who hope and seek satisfaction from social relations. When the needs are not met, this can lead to negative emotions. One of them is anger.

The most common simple example (also cliché) is a angry mother at home. His nagging reflects that he actually expects her husband or children to help clean up the house. But because he could not express his desire, it was not uncommon for the mother to vent it by looking angry without cause. Even though, why is there.

Easy anger can also be a burst of emotion that comes to the surface because you have wanted to control or get something beyond your ability, but failed to get it.

4. You have certain diseases

If it is not caused by the various triggers above, the cause of your anger without cause might be rooted in the disease you have had so far. For example hyperthyroidism, which often occurs in women, and high cholesterol.

Thyroid hormones control all things related to the body's metabolism. If the amount is excessive in the body, hyperthyroidism can cause you to become easily nervous and have difficulty concentrating. This can also be the reason why you like to shout while talking so you always look like you're angry, Dr. Neil Gittoes, an endocrinologist at Birmingham University Hospitals.

Meanwhile, statin drugs that are usually used to manage symptoms of high cholesterol can reduce serotonin levels in the body as a side effect. Serotonin itself is a hormone released by the brain to create a sense of happiness, calm, and satisfaction. Low serotonin can make a person emotionally vulnerable to trigger depression.

How do you not get angry easily?

Apart from the various things mentioned above, there are still many things that can trigger you to get angry easily. Therefore, try to find the causative factors so that you can decide what steps should be taken to reduce these bad habits.

there are a number of things you can do to prevent it from getting angry easily:

  • Be aware of signs when you want to be angry, for example when feelings start to feel bad and a throbbing headache that can trigger your anger.
  • Express your emotions without blaming others (writing, singing, or even shouting with your mouth closed).
  • Take a deep breath when you want to be angry.
  • Avoid negative thoughts that can make you angry.
  • Finally, if emotions have subsided, apologize to people who have been the target of your tantrums.
Do you like to be angry-angry without cause? Maybe 4 of these are the trigger
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