List of foods that are easy to digest and difficult to digest


Medical Video: Everyday Foods That are Hard to Digest

Everyone has a different digestive system. The speed of the body in digesting food is also influenced by the type of food and drinks consumed. There are several types of foods that are easily digested while others are difficult to digest. This of course will affect the digestive system, body metabolism, and even affect health status indirectly. Then what types of food are easily digested and difficult to digest by the body?

Foods that are easily digested by the body

Foods that are easily digested will certainly affect the digestive system and the speed of the body's metabolism. moreover, for those of you who are experiencing digestive system disorders you should consume more foods that are easily digested, so that the workload of the digestive organs is not too heavy. There are several types of foods that are easy to digest, namely:

  • Foods with low protein. Protein is a macro nutrient that is very important role in regenerating and repairing cells in the body. but you must avoid foods that are high in protein if you are experiencing digestive problems. Therefore, you should choose a source of easily digestible protein that comes from plants, such as beans, tofu, tempeh, and sources of animal protein that contains low fat.
  • Food sources of carbohydrates with low fiber. Although healthy for the body, foods that contain high fiber actually need a long time to digest. Therefore, you should choose food sources of carbohydrates that do not contain high fiber, such as white bread, white rice, and various types of flour. While carbohydrate sources such as wheat and brown rice are staple foods that contain high fiber and are not easily digested.
  • Fruits that do not contain high acid. Fruits are the main source of vitamins and minerals. Many fruits that contain water are fruits that are easily digested by the body, such as watermelon, pears, melons, mangoes, and papaya.
  • Ripe vegetables. Vegetables are the main source of fiber, although the fiber is difficult to digest by the body. still your digestive system needs fiber in the process of digesting food. Choose sources of cooked vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, dark green leafy vegetables, mushrooms and pumpkins.

Foods that are difficult for the body to digest

For those of you who experience digestive disorders, it is better to avoid the types of foods that are difficult to digest by the digestive organs. If you consume it, it will actually worsen the work of the digestive organs so that the digestive problems experienced will get worse.

Basically, foods that contain fiber and high fat are foods that are difficult for the body to digest. Although fiber foods are healthy and good for digestion, the body needs extra energy to break down and absorb fibers. Foods that contain high fiber are designed to make the body work harder, so that fat reserves can be used as an energy source to digest fiber. For those of you who experience diarrhea, avoid foods that contain water soluble fiber.

High-fat foods also include foods that are difficult for the body to digest, because high-fat foods easily make the stomach full. If you experience indigestion, you should avoid fatty foods.

Here are the types of foods that are hard for the body to digest:

  • Beef
  • Raw vegetables and fruits
  • Spicy and spicy ingredients
  • Sweet food
  • Foods that contain high oil
  • Tea, coffee and other soft drinks
List of foods that are easy to digest and difficult to digest
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