5 Tips To Deal With A Child Who Is Whiny


Medical Video: How to Get Your Child to Stop Whining

Whiny children can upset parents. Especially when the whining goes on all day without cause. Whiny is a natural thing that happens to children. However, if it has entered school age, this will add difficulties for parents to allow independent children. How do you overcome a whiny child? Check out the reviews here.

Don't underestimate the problem of the character of a whiny child

As mentioned above, whiny child it's natural, especially when he is under 2 years old. Usually children cannot or difficult explain what makes them cry. However, if the child is old enough, such as school age for example, this child's behavior will disturb others. Not infrequently, he will easily be labeled a whiny child.

It is important to know what is causing the whiny child. Because basically weeping can be caused by several common things. One of them is because your child does have sensitive feelings or your parenting style is different and inappropriate.

If you often spoil your child, he can grow into a whiny child. This will also have an impact on children's socialization activities with their association. Not infrequently also found that whiny children tend to not be confident, embarrassed, afraid, and feel doubtful about their own abilities. This is homework for parents to be able to overcome a whiny child's attitude.

It's good that parents don't underestimate these problems. It is feared that children will have many obstacles to develop and socialize in the outside world or their future.

How do you deal with whiny child behavior?

Emotions, feelings, and intentions of child crying are indeed difficult to guess. You have to be patient and practice applying the following methods.

1. Help the development of children's emotional intelligence

It is fitting for parents to recognize their children's attitude well. Here you are expected to know and develop children's emotional intelligence as well as possible. Emotional intelligence is abilityto recognize and manage their own feelings and the feelings of others.

Children with emotional intelligence usually know what things they like and who don't like. So if something makes him restless, he can communicate those feelings well to his parents, not through crying.

2. Don't get carried away by emotion

Sometimes parents will be angry, emotion and irritation at seeing his child keep crying. This should be avoided, because this parent's reaction will be misinterpreted by the child. Children may think this is a threat and a sign that their parents do not love children.

You need to calm yourself as fast as possible, then think quickly to calm the child. Afterwards, align the child's eyes with your eyes, holding his body firmly but not roughly. If your child cries, ask gently, what makes him cry and what he wants. This takes a long time to make the child answer and not cry anymore. Do it slowly until the child stops crying and wants to answer. It takes patience for parents to take this step.

3. No need to overreact

When children cry until they roar, parents may panic and immediately overreact. For example by saying, "Oh, why are you? Who isnakalinyou? Anyone who is nosy, huh? "Or immediately bought the child the item he wanted. Besides not going to make a child's cry stop, the child actually sees that crying is a powerful weapon to attract parents' attention and get what they want.

Then what do parents have to do? You can slowly try to say, "Sister, if you cry Father / Mother not can you hear what you want, "or," Come on, stop crying, what new story will make you feel not delicious. "

Try to be neutral when the child is being whiny. That way, the child will learn that the way to get parental attention and what he wants is to talk carefully and clearly, not through crying.

4. Try to start raising children's socialization

Whiny is not always caused by spoiled children. When a child is whiny, it could be due to his confidence when hanging out or playing with his friends less. No doubt, they will try to cry or whine as a sign of "asking for help" to you, for the problem that is facing this.

To overcome this, try to accompany when he plays with his friend. It doesn't need to be all day long, enough in the early moments he plays, introduces to his friends, and when he starts looking for you because of a feeling of insecurity that suddenly appears while playing.

5. Teach children to vent their emotions healthy

Not all causes of a whiny child are caused by a sensitive and shy child character. This is only a matter of how you invite and teach children to be more open to the outside world.

Alternatively, you can teach children to vent their emotions by doing artistic activities such as drawing and singing or doing sports that he likes.It is also important to remember that not all children are the same, the character of each child is different. So, continue to find out what activities your child likes to vent his emotions.

5 Tips To Deal With A Child Who Is Whiny
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