7 Things You Need to Know When Caring for a Newborn Baby


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Caring for newborns is sometimes an obstacle for young parents who just have children. Newborns have their own uniqueness so special attention is needed in caring for them. Here are 7 things to know when caring for a newborn baby.

1. Newborns must suckle every 1-2 hours

Babies have a small stomach size so you need to give them small amounts of milk frequently. Usually it will suckle 1-2 hours in the first few days. When the baby is hungry, he will give a number of signs such as crying strongly, sucking his hands, or tasting like looking for nipples.

What if your baby sleeps continuously? Babies do have a long enough sleep. But if your baby falls asleep, you need to wake him up and keep giving him milk. Try not to fall asleep again when breastfeeding.

2. Newborns often experience spit up

After your baby suckles, he removes the milk from his mouth again. Most people call it the term gumoh. Spit up (spitting up, or gastroesophageal reflux) occurs because the valve function between the esophagus and stomach is not perfect. In addition, the size of a small baby stomach can be one of the causes of spit up.

To prevent spit up, position your baby in an upright position for 30 minutes after he has finished breastfeeding and let your baby belch.

3. Newborns sleep for 16 to 18 hours per day

The duration of baby sleep is indeed quite long. Usually the baby sleeps for 1-2 hours in one sleep, and if added up in one day he can fall asleep for 16 to 18 hours. When it reaches 6 months of age, most babies sleep for 6 hours at night.

At night, try to make the baby not wake up. The way you can try is to let the baby do a lot of activities during the day so that he stays awake for a long time and can sleep longer at night.

4. Newborns need warmth

Babies cannot effectively regulate their body temperature such as children or adults. One reason is because fat, which can function to keep the body warm, the amount is still small in infants.

Things that can be done to keep the baby warm by wearing clothes, hats, and holding babies. Check your baby's body temperature. Try to keep him from being cold or hot.

5. Newborns have sensitive skin

Keep your baby clean because the skin of the newborn is very sensitive. One problem that often arises in infants is diaper rash. Keep your baby's diapers clean and dry. Use warm water and soft cotton when cleaning the buttocks and dry them with a soft towel.

Cleaning your baby using wet tissue containing alcohol is not recommended, because it can trigger skin irritation. Also, don't put diapers on the baby too tight because it can make the skin blister.

6. Newborns often defecate after breastfeeding

There are babies who always defecate after breastfeeding, there are also babies who defecate only twice per week. However, in newborns, usually he will often defecate after he has breastfed (about 6 to 10 times per day). By the age of 3 to 6 weeks, the frequency will decrease further.

The thing to note when the baby defecates is the consistency of the stool. When newborns, baby feces will be greenish and sticky black called meconium. Over time, when he is 2 to 4 days old, the color of the dirt will be younger and not sticky.

Keep in mind, even though baby's feces are soft, you should remain vigilant if your baby has diarrhea. If the baby has diarrhea, the stool will become more fluid, the color can turn yellow, green or brown, the amount is much more than usual. If you see such signs in your baby, try taking your baby to the doctor for further examination.

7. The newborn must be treated for the umbilical cord

When you have a baby, usually the umbilical cord is still visible when he is new. Keep the cord and surrounding skin clean and dry. If your baby's umbilical cord becomes reddish and smelly, immediately take your baby to the doctor because of the possibility of your baby having an infection on the umbilical cord.

7 Things You Need to Know When Caring for a Newborn Baby
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