Come, Know the Signs of Stunting Children Early!


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Stunting is a condition in which a person's height is much shorter than the height of a person of his age. The main cause of stunting is chronic malnutrition since the baby is in the womb until the beginning of the child's birth which is usually seen after a 2 year old child. Then what are the symptoms or signs of a stunting child?

Symptoms and signs of stunting children

Not all children with shorter stature experience stunting. Stunting is a very short body condition seen from the standard of height measurement according to age based on WHO standards.

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, short toddlers or stunting can be known if a toddler has measured his length or height, then compared to the standard, and the measurement results are in the range below normal.

A child is included in stunting or not depending on the results of the measurement. So it can't be guessed or guessed without measurement.

In addition to the short body of a child of his age, there are also other characteristics, namely:

  • Growth slows down
  • The face looks younger than the child his age
  • Late tooth growth
  • Poor performance on the ability to focus and learning memory
  • Late puberty
  • Ages 8-10 years old children become more quiet, not much eye contact with those around them

What are the factors that influence stunting children?

  • Mainly, malnutrition factors experienced by pregnant women and children under five.
  • Lack of maternal knowledge about nutrition before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after childbirth.
  • Limited access to health services, including pregnancy and services postnatal (after giving birth).
  • Lack of access to clean water and sanitation.
  • There is still a lack of access to nutritious food because it is quite expensive.

So what is the impact of stunting?

Stunting is a failure of growth due to accumulated nutrient insufficiency that lasts from pregnancy to the age of 24 months. Therefore, this condition can affect the growth and development of the child as a whole.

Short-term effects of stunting are disruption of brain development, intelligence, disruption to physical growth, and metabolic disorders.

The long-term impact, stunting that is not handled properly as early as possible will reduce cognitive abilities of the brain, weak immunity so that it easily hurts, and a high risk of metabolic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and vascular disease.

Come, Know the Signs of Stunting Children Early!
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