Why Drink Coffee in the Afternoon or Night, Make You Hard to Sleep Well?


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Want to have good sleep quality? The habit of drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening you must leave immediately. Indeed, a cup of coffee may taste good on your tongue as a closing drink, but the effect can affect the sleep of most people. Why? To be clearer, learn how caffeine in coffee can make it difficult for you to sleep well in the reviews below.

Don't drink coffee too late

Coffee is one of the popular drinks that you might enjoy. Although it feels good, drinking coffee still has rules. You as a coffee lover should consider when the best time to drink coffee is because there is too much caffeine in it.

You need to know that coffee contains caffeine which can increase your alertness. That is why coffee is a mainstay of drowsiness relievers. These effects will generally be last an average of about four hours. If you sleep at 9 or 10 o'clock at night, then the latest coffee drink schedule is 5 pm.

However, there are also some people who feel the effects of caffeine for longer because their bodies digest caffeine longer. That is, the person must avoid coffee in the afternoon or evening, if his bedtime is earlier.

How can coffee make it difficult for you to sleep well?

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Reporting from the Huffington Post, Dr. Irshaad Ebrahim from the London Sleep Center on Herley Street explained that the brain produces adenosine compounds that slow nerve activity and make you sleepy. Well, this compound will be produced in the afternoon so that the body can rest well.

Unfortunately, the work of adenosine can be disrupted by a cup of coffee. Caffeine in coffee can bind adenosine receptors, so the brain does not detect adenosine.

As a result, the brain even gives a signal to continue to move. The response makes the heart rate increase, the adrenaline hormone increases, and breathing becomes faster. With such conditions, you don't want to sleep instead of staying up all night.

If you often experience insomnia and find that you drink coffee too late, you should immediately change this habit. Dr. Ebrahim suggested not to drink coffee after 2pm.

Why Drink Coffee in the Afternoon or Night, Make You Hard to Sleep Well?
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