4 Problems That Mothers Often Face When Pregnant Twins


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Pregnancy is not an easy condition to go through. Pregnant women experience certain problems during pregnancy, but may vary by individual. Pregnant mothers of twins have a higher risk of experiencing pregnancy problems than pregnant women with one child. Starting from ordinary problems, such as morning sickness and vomiting, to more serious problems, such as anemia, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Problems faced by mothers when pregnant with twins

Twin pregnancies make pregnant women have more problems than mothers who are pregnant with one child. Pregnant mothers of twins hold more weight than pregnant women because there are two fetuses in the womb. This affects other organs and tissues in the body of pregnant women. In twin pregnancies, pregnant women are more likely to experience varicose veins in the legs. This happens because the weight of two fetuses in the womb of the mother presses the blood vessels around the pelvis. In addition, pressure from the uterus (uterus) suppresses the stomach of pregnant women so that pregnant women easily experience heartburn (feeling of heat or burning in the upper abdomen) and indigestion.

Some pregnant women may also experience twins more often morning sickness, but there are some who don't. As reported by webmd, Abdulla Al-Khan of Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey said that hormone levels human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is higher in pregnant twins and this is the hormone that causes it morning sickness. Pregnant women twins more often experience vomiting and nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women who experience morning sickness you should eat smaller portions more often, so you don't feel hungry.

Not only common problems like morning sickness, varicose veins, and heartburn¸ which appears in twins pregnant women. However, pregnant women twins also have a higher risk of experiencing various complications of the disease.

What are the complications that can occur in the mother when she is pregnant with twins?

Not easy when pregnant with twins. Various complications can occur and the risk of experiencing these complications is higher compared to mothers who are pregnant with one child. Some complications that can be experienced by pregnant women twins are:

1. Gestational hypertension

Gestational hypertension is high blood pressure experienced during pregnancy. Mothers who are pregnant with twins have a risk of more than 2 times to have high blood pressure during pregnancy. High blood pressure occurs because the pressure on the placenta increases. This condition can develop faster and more severe than the pregnancy of one child. This condition can also improve placental abruption (release of placenta from the uterine wall earlier before birth). Placental abruption three times more likely to occur in pregnancies of more than one child.

2. Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a condition characterized by high blood pressure, protein in the urine (proteinuria), abnormalities of the liver and kidneys, and sometimes swelling in the legs and arms. As many as 10-15% of pregnant women with twins experience pre-eclampsia. Twins pregnant women have a risk of 2-3 times more likely to experience pre-eclampsia than pregnant children one child. This condition can also develop faster and more severely, so it can affect many organs and the placenta and can cause serious illness.

3. Gestational diabetes

The risk of gestational diabetes increases in twin pregnancies because two placenta increases insulin resistance, placental size, and hormones in the placenta. However, further research is needed on this matter.

4. Anemia

Pregnant women twins have more than 2 times the risk of anemia compared to mothers who are pregnant with one child. Anemia is caused by low levels of iron in the blood which increases blood flow. Pregnancy causes the amount of blood flow to increase. To prevent anemia in pregnant women, it's better for pregnant women to consume foods that contain iron, such as red meat, green leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals. Consumption of iron supplements (tablets plus blood) is also needed for pregnant women to prevent anemia.

In addition to the complications of the above diseases, pregnant women with twins are also more likely to give birth to premature babies (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy). 60% of pregnancies of twins or more are born prematurely. Premature babies are born before the time of birth, so the organ system is immature, so they still need help with breathing, food intake, help to fight infection, and help to stay warm. Premature babies are also usually born with low body weight (less than 2500 grams). For this reason, twins born prematurely usually have to undergo treatment before returning home.

How to prevent complications of multiple pregnancies

Complications from multiple pregnancies can be overcome by healthy living behaviors and routine pregnancy checks to the doctor. Some ways to deal with pregnancy complications that occur are:

  • Always take care of your health by always eating healthy and nutritious foods that are complete and always keep your body hydrated with plenty of drinking.
  • Exercise to make the body healthier and healthier.
  • Routine pregnancy check up to the doctor.
  • Knowing the signs of preeclampsia or other complications to be treated early.
  • Stay away from cigarette smoke. This is important for the fetus because the placenta works hard to provide enough oxygen for the fetus.


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4 Problems That Mothers Often Face When Pregnant Twins
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