Be careful, Paracetamol during pregnancy can interfere with the fetal brain



Are you pregnant and often take paracetamol (acetaminophen) when feeling dizzy or painful in other parts of the body? Paracetamol is indeed a drug commonly used to treat pain during pregnancy. But be careful, excessive use of paracetamol during pregnancy can make your child at risk for autism or other mental disorders. Why does this happen?

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is thought to interfere with fetal brain development

Paracetamol is a painkiller that is considered safe for consumption by pregnant women. In the 2012 Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) stated that paracetamol or acetaminophen is safe for consumption by pregnant women because no evidence can be found to increase complications in pregnancy or maternal health. Some studies have found mothers who take paracetamol pose a risk for babies to experience birth defects even at low levels.

But recently there has been scientific evidence that paracetamol or acetaminophen is not as safe as it is for pregnant women. This is evidenced by research conducted in 2014 involving 2644 pregnant women who were monitored until their 5 year old child. The pregnant woman was asked to fill out a questionnaire about the use of paracetamol or acetaminophen during pregnancy. At the end of the study, it was found that pregnant women who frequently consumed paracetamol or acetaminophen at 32 weeks gestational age tended to have children who had attention disorders (symptoms of autism syndrome) at the age of 5 years, compared to mothers who did not take paracetamol at all . In addition, researchers also found symptoms of hyperactivity and cognitive impairment in children born to mothers who took paracetamol during pregnancy.

Another study involving 48,631 participants, found that using paracetamol at least 28 days or more during pregnancy can cause various disorders of fetal development and growth, causing children to experience impaired motor and cognitive abilities, decreased communication skills, and behavioral disorders. While the results of research conducted by the Danish National Birth Control, stated the same thing, namely of a total of 64,322 mothers, almost half consumed acetaminophen or paracetamol when pregnant and had children who had symptoms or even diagnosed with autism by a doctor.

Why can paracetamol (acetaminophen) cause nervous system disorders?

The drug paracetamol or acetaminophen is a painkiller that is easily available and is widely used by most people. A survey found that mothers who consumed paracetamol during pregnancy reached 46% to 65%. Acetaminophen or paracetamol is usually used by pregnant women to reduce symptoms or signs that appear early in pregnancy, such as dizziness, fever, or migraines. Until now, it is still unclear how the relationship between paracetamol consumed by mothers during pregnancy can cause growth disorders in the fetus which then affects the behavior of children. However, experts state several hypotheses that might answer this relationship.

The experts revealed several theories, namely, the use of paracetamol can affect receptors in the brain that function to ripen brain cells and become a link between brain cells. When paracetamol is consumed, there will be a disruption in the function of the receptor, including the disruption of the baby's brain development in the mother's body. In addition, paracetamol also disrupts the immune system which can also affect the development of the nervous system in the fetus. Some researchers also say that paracetamol might interfere with the genetic mechanism in the fetus, causing developmental problems. Another theory also suggests that consumption of paracetamol in the mother might cause poisoning to the fetus, so that it directly impacts its growth.

So, can paracetamol (acetaminophen) be consumed during pregnancy?

Until now, paracetamol or acetaminophen is the best and safest painkiller for pregnant women, especially when compared to other types of painkillers such as ibuprofen, which can have a more dangerous effect on the health of the fetus and mother. Ibuprofen, according to various studies, is said to cause a risk of miscarriage and is dangerous for the kidneys and fetal heart.

However, it should be noted that pregnant women must maintain and limit the use of drugs even though they are considered safe, including paracetamol or acetaminophen. Thus, pregnant women are encouraged to consume paracetamol if it is very necessary and should discuss with an obstetrician about consumption of these drugs. It is better to prevent various infections and symptoms that may arise during pregnancy by doing, moderate exercise, adequate rest, and eating healthy foods.


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Be careful, Paracetamol during pregnancy can interfere with the fetal brain
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