Guide to Running Fasting During Second Trimester Pregnancy


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At the age of the second trimester of pregnancy, there are still various important developments in the fetus. So, you still need to continue to eat nutritious foods that contain important nutrients. Although in this month of Ramadan pregnant women are fasting, but try this does not become a barrier for you to continue to provide the best nutrition for your prospective baby. Then, how should you run fast during the second trimester of pregnancy?

Running fast during the second trimester of pregnancy

The ability of pregnant women to perform fasting may vary. This depends on the strength of the mother in carrying out fasting, the health conditions of pregnant women, and gestational age. Pregnant women who experience complications, such as gestational diabetes and anemia, are not advised to run fast.

Some studies may show that fasting during pregnancy can cause adverse effects on fetal development, such as babies born with low birth weight (LBW) or more likely to be born prematurely.

However, there is also research that states that fasting during pregnancy is not related to the growth of the baby in the womb and the time of birth. This also happens if you can still fulfill the nutrients needed even if you are fasting. This is important for the continued growth and development of your fetus.

Tips for running fast during the second trimester of pregnancy

Running fasting during the second trimester of pregnancy may not be a problem for some mothers with healthy pregnancies. However, several things must still be considered, as below. Fasting should not be an obstacle for you to keep providing nutrients to your fetus.

1. Meet nutritional needs

Various important nutrients still need to be fulfilled during the second trimester of pregnancy to support the development of the womb. Some of these nutrients, such as:

  • Folic acid to reduce the risk of birth defects
  • Omega-3 fatty acids to support the development of the baby's brain and nerves
  • Calcium to support the formation and compaction of bone in the womb baby
  • Iron to prevent anemia during pregnancy. This iron requirement increases as you get older.
  • Zinc to prevent birth defects and premature births, as well as to support baby's growth

You can meet these nutritional needs by consuming a variety of vegetables and fruits, sources of animal protein (such as fish, meat, chicken, eggs and milk), sources of vegetable protein (tofu, tempeh, and nuts), carbohydrates, and fat. At least, you are advised to consume vegetables and fruits as much as 5 servings per day to help the body meet the needs of vitamins and minerals.

During fasting, choose complex carbohydrates that contain lots of fiber. Fiber helps you maintain energy and full longer, so that you are not fast limp and hungry during fasting. Instead, avoid consuming simple carbohydrates, such as sweet foods. Simple carbohydrates can make your blood sugar rise quickly and make you hungry faster.

2. Meet the fluid needs

Besides nutrition, fluid needs are also important to fulfill as long as you are fasting. You are advised to meet your fluid needs of 2 liters per day (around 8 glasses) or more (everyone's fluid needs can be different). Do not let you experience a lack of fluids or dehydration during fasting. This can harm your baby.

If you already feel very thirsty, weak, dizzy, and want to faint, you should immediately take a break and cancel your fast. It's best to avoid consuming caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks because these drinks can increase fluid loss from your body.

3. Get enough rest

If nutrition has been fulfilled properly, don't forget to have enough rest. Taking adequate rest time is also needed during pregnancy and so you don't feel tired during fasting. Sleeping a few hours during the day may be needed to support the smooth running of your fast. In addition, you should also avoid doing strenuous activities and exercise during fasting.

Guide to Running Fasting During Second Trimester Pregnancy
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