List of Foods and Beverages That Can Cause Miscarriage


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Miscarriage is the condition of the sudden end of pregnancy when the gestational age is still too early. Usually, miscarriages are prone to occur under 20 weeks, or when the fetus weighs less than 400 gr. There are many factors that can increase the risk of miscarriage, one of which is an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore pregnant women must be careful with the selection of food and drinks during their pregnancy. You also need to be aware of the following food triggers for miscarriages.

Why can food cause miscarriages?

Basically, food and drinks do not directly cause miscarriages. What can trigger a miscarriage is the toxic effect on certain foods, whichcomes from bacterial and viral contamination, or certain substances that cannot be accepted by the fetus or the body of pregnant women.

For example, listeria bacteria can be found in unpasteurized dairy products, toxoplasma parasites which can be obtained from consumption of raw or undercooked meat (usually lamb and pork), and salmonella bacteria which can be found in raw or undercooked eggs.

List of food triggers for miscarriages that pregnant women need to watch out for

1. Fish that is high in mercury

Actually eating seafood during pregnancy is fine. You can consume various kinds of fish during pregnancy because they contain nutrients that support fetal development. However, there are several types of fish that you should avoid. Like a shark, swordfish or swordfish, king mackerel fish, and tuna.

These fish contain high levels of mercury. Mercury is a toxic substance to the body. Higher levels of mercury will be toxic to the nervous system, immune system and kidneys.

2. Seafood raw

Various types of seafood or seafood, namely fish, squid, shrimp and so on if consumed raw is very risky for pregnant women. Especially shells.Seafood raw risk of containing a number of harmful parasites such as norovirus, vibro, salmonella, listeria, and other parasites.

Viruses and bacteria will cause various infections in the body. Some types of infections that attack the mother can make health conditions weaken. Infection can also be passed on to the baby in the womb which can have a fatal impact.

For example, listeria bacteria in raw fish can be passed on to the fetus through the mother's placenta and increase the risk the occurrence of premature births, miscarriages, or stillbirths.

3. Raw meat

Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat while pregnant. Reported on the NHS UK website, raw meat has the potential to cause toxoplasmosis infection. Common toxoplamosis is caused by parasites in raw meat, unpasteurized goat milk, soil, cat feces, and contaminated water.

Toxoplasmosis will have an impact on fetal development. Worse yet, usually this infection does not cause any symptoms in pregnant women.

In addition, raw meat is another nest of bacteria, E. coli, Listeria and Salmonella. These bacteria can cause various kinds of infections that interfere with the condition of the mother and fetus.

Pregnant women are advised to eat perfectly cooked meat to avoid any dangerous contamination. In addition, even though it is safer to mature pregnant women, pregnant women also need to be careful when buying processed meat from outside. Improper storage of meat can also trigger the amount of contamination in the meat even though it will be cooked later.

4. Raw and half-cooked eggs

Raw, half-cooked chicken, duck and quail eggs contain high Salmonella bacteria.

Salmonella can interfere with the health of pregnant women as a whole, including experiencing nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and severe diarrhea. Reporting from Healthline, in some cases salmonella infection can trigger the birth of a dead baby.

5. Viscera

Some types of offal may not be consumed by pregnant women. For example, heart, whether it's chicken liver, beef, goat. to pork. Animal liver does contain high iron, vitamin B 12, copper (copper), and vitamin A that are good for the health of the mother and the womb. However, eating mostly eating innards can cause a buildup of vitamin A and copper minerals in the body. Excess vitamin A and copper can be poisons that interfere with fetal development and growth.

6. Alcohol

Alcohol is strictly prohibited for pregnant women because the effect directly affects miscarriage or the birth of a dead fetus. Even a small amount can have a very negative impact on the development of the baby's cells in the womb.

List of Foods and Beverages That Can Cause Miscarriage
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