Often thought the same, this is different from wine pregnancy and pregnancy outside the content


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Wine pregnancy and pregnancy outside the womb are pregnancy problems that women often experience. Although both have characteristics like normal pregnancies, this is a different condition. Actually, what's the difference between wine pregnancy and pregnancy outside the womb? See the explanation here.

Difference between pregnancy wine and pregnancy outside the womb

Wine pregnancy

Wine pregnancy or also called molar pregnancy is hydatidiform mole is a condition in which there is a tumor that develops in the uterus.

Grape pregnancy or in the medical world known as hydatidiform mole, occurs when a fertilized egg that should grow into a fetus, but instead grows into abnormal cells that develop into white bubbles filled with fluid that resembles wine.

Wine pregnancy has a sign that is similar to the usual signs of pregnancy. So, pregnant new wine is detected after 10-14 weeks of pregnancy during routine pregnancy checks.

Symptoms or symptoms of pregnancy include:

  • bleeding from the vagina that is dark brown to bright red in the first trimester
  • severe nausea and vomiting
  • pelvic pain or pain
  • uterus that is bigger than usual
  • symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as feeling nervous or tired, fast and irregular heartbeat, excessive sweating
  • cysts in the vaginal canal that resemble wine
  • discharge from your vagina

Pregnant outside the womb

Pregnancy outside the womb or in the medical world is called an ectopic pregnancy, is a pregnancy that occurs when a fertilized egg does not develop in the uterus, but attaches and grows in the fallopian tube. In some cases, this pregnancy can occur in the abdominal cavity, ovary or cervix.

Therefore, a fertilized egg in an ectopic pregnancy cannot develop properly and usually results in an embryonic or fetal death.

Ectopic pregnancies include life-threatening conditions and often occur in the first few weeks of pregnancy.

Same as wine pregnancy, pregnancy outside the womb also looks like a normal pregnancy. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include:

  • early symptoms that appear are pelvic pain, and can be followed by pain in the shoulder, and neck.
  • mild to severe vaginal bleeding
  • nausea and vomiting
  • abdominal cramps and pain in one part of the stomach
  • head feels spinning, dizzy, or often faints

If you experience severe vaginal bleeding or shock (symptoms including body weakness, heart palpitations are very fast, pale skin feels damp and cold). This is usually caused by loss of blood due to a torn fallopian tube.

Often thought the same, this is different from wine pregnancy and pregnancy outside the content
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