This Is the Danger If Pregnant Women Consume Excessive Vitamin A


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Pregnant women need vitamin A, which functions for healthy vision, immune function, and fetal growth and development in the womb. Vitamin A deficiency in pregnant women can cause birth defects. However, excess vitamin A can also bring adverse effects to the health of the fetus.

Why is excess vitamin A dangerous for pregnant women?

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that will be stored in the body, especially in the liver. If the amount is excessive, this excess will accumulate in the body. Vitamin A is present in two forms, namely the form of vitamin A (retinol) and provitamin A (carotene) preform. Foods that provide vitamin A in the form of preforms are meat, liver, milk, fish, eggs, and fortified cereals. While vitamin A is available in fruits and vegetables in the form of carotene.

During pregnancy, it is recommended not to consume too much vitamin A in the form of a vitamin A preform because it is absorbed faster and slower to be removed in the body. The limit on the amount of vitamin A that is safe for consumption is no more than 10,000 IU. Consumption of vitamin A in the form of preforms at high doses can result in birth defects and liver poisoning. You can get vitamin A in the form of preform from animal food sources, fortified foods with vitamin A, and also from vitamin A supplements. However, you can still consume fruits and vegetables that contain as much carotene as possible.

1. Birth defects

Lack or excess of vitamin A can cause birth defects. However, not all forms of vitamin A can cause birth defects. The form of vitamin A preform can cause birth defects, but the carotene form of vitamin A cannot cause birth defects. These birth defects are usually known as the retinoic acid syndrome, which includes the central nervous system, craniofacial, cardiovascular, and thymus malformations.

Birth defects alone are structural changes that occur at birth that can affect almost all parts of the body, such as the heart, brain, and feet. This disease can change the appearance of the body and occur in varying levels, from mild to severe.

The relationship of vitamin A with birth defects is still questionable by a number of experts. Proof in humans is still limited. The study published by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology actually proves there is no relationship between taking vitamin A at doses> 8000 IU or> 10000 IU per day before becoming pregnant with general malformations, cranial neural crest defects, or neural tube defects. However, many experts also say that consuming too much vitamin A (more than 10000 IU / 3 mg per day) can result in birth defects.

From these pros and cons, there is nothing wrong with you being on guard, indeed something excessive is not good for the body. All you have to pay attention to is taking vitamin A during pregnancy, whether you need a supplement to make ends meet or with just daily food is enough to fulfill it. It is best to consult with your doctor whether it is safe for you to take vitamin A based on your food intake and your daily needs. You should pay attention to the dose of the supplement you are taking.

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you should:

  • Avoid taking supplements that contain vitamin A, such as fish liver oil, unless you are advised by a doctor
  • Avoid consuming liver because it contains high levels of vitamin A, you can get vitamin A from other food sources, such as fruits and vegetables

2. Hipervitaminosis A

During pregnancy, the mother needs a lot of additional nutrients to support the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. This might make you want to take supplements that instantly provide you and your baby's nutritional needs. Pregnancy supplements may be needed for pregnant women under certain conditions, meaning that not all pregnant women need supplements.

Too much consumption of supplements, especially vitamin A supplements can actually lead to vitamin poisoning. Just like birth defects, vitamin A poisoning is also caused by high consumption of vitamin A in the form of a preform. Vitamin A poisoning is known as hyperervitaminosis A. Hipervitaminosis A is divided into two, namely hypervitaminosis A acute and chronic. Acute hypervitaminosis occurs not long after taking vitamin A in very high doses. Chronic hyperervitaminosis occurs when high amounts of vitamin A accumulate in the body over a long period of time.

Hipervitaminosis can cause damage to the liver and increase pressure on the brain. Your signs of acute hypervitaminosis A are headache, drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Whereas if you experience hypervitaminosis A chronic is headache, blurred vision, bone aches and pains, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, dry and rough skin, and itching and peeling.

How do you take vitamin A that is safe during pregnancy?

If you want to take vitamin A supplements while pregnant, you should consult your doctor first. Why? Vitamin A supplements or high-dose prenatal vitamins can harm the fetus. Most prenatal vitamins contain vitamin A in the form of beta carotene and high doses of vitamin preform A. Supplements such as fish liver oil also contain vitamin A in high doses. If you take supplements, make sure the supplements contain vitamin A no more than 1.5 mg or 5000 IU and you also take vitamin A from food.

And, avoid eating liver because the liver contains high levels of vitamin A. It is better to consume the liver no more than once a week and avoid taking vitamin A supplements if you have consumed the liver. One more important thing is that pregnant women or women who are trying to get pregnant should stay away from the acne drug isotretinoin and other drugs that contain retinol (one form of vitamin A).


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This Is the Danger If Pregnant Women Consume Excessive Vitamin A
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