Does the medicine for people with mental disorders (ODGJ) make dependence?


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Basically, drugs are used to treat diseases or reduce symptoms of emerging diseases. However, each drug has different side effects on the body. If not used according to the rules, the side effects can be dangerous. One side effect that can arise is drug dependence.

Drug or normal dependence in English is called drug addiction is a symptom caused by long-term use of a drug. Called addiction or dependence because for those of you who have been affected, it will be difficult to stop using the drug. Stopping the drug directly can cause various symptoms, such as nausea and dizziness.

Well, many people voiced concerns about drugs for people with mental disorders (ODGJ). Many believe that drugs prescribed for psychiatric disorders make dependence. Right or not, huh? What drugs can make dependence? Check out the full information here.

Are all drugs for mental disorders definitely making dependence?

There are several types of drugs used in mental patients. For example antidepressants to treat depression, antianxiety for anxiety disorders,mood stabilizing, and antipsychotics for the treatment of severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

However, there are rarely drugs that cause dependence. Indeed, drugs for mental disorders need to be used in the long term and when use is stopped, mental disorders (such as hallucinations in schizophrenic patients) can return.However, these drugs have no effectsakaw as is the case with people with dependence.

It should be noted, there is one type of mental medicine that needs to be considered because it can create a dependency effect. The drug in question is a drug from the Benzodiazepine group.

Be careful when using benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are one type of sedative or in English called tranquilizers. Some of the names that often circulate are Valium and Xanax.

Benzodiazepines work in the central nerve, giving a calming effect and making the muscles weaker and more relaxed. This medication will also relieve anxiety. When you take this medicine, the levels of dopamine hormone will increase dramatically and will flood the brain with neurotransmitters. This will bring out positive and comfortable feelings.

Overdose and withdrawal syndromeorsakaw

Dependence is rare in patients who take this medicine with the right dosage and the right rules. However, because of the calming effects of this drug, it is not uncommon for this drug to be often misused. Especially if taken with alcohol, this drug can cause deadly effects.

If you have experienced dependence on this drug, you will experience what is often referred to as lay peoplesakaw. This happens when you stop taking medication, but you feel the symptoms that make you uncomfortable and what can only relieve this symptom is by taking the medicine. This condition is also calledwithdrawal syndrome.

The following are the symptoms.

  • Irritability or loss of stimulation sensitivity
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating continuously
  • Headache
  • Pain and stiffness in the muscles
  • Nausea
  • Heart palpitations
  • Tremor

Furthermore, when you continue to take this class of medicine so you don't experience itsakawit is very likely that you have to increase the dosage to get the same effect. In the long run, this can make you take drugs in high doses in excess of safe doses. When this happens, you can experience an overdose in a short time. This is a dangerous condition because it can make you have trouble breathing, coma, until death.

How not to be addicted?

The first thing you need to remember is never to buy this medicine without a doctor's prescription. Indeed, this drug is a drug that is strictly regulated so that it cannot be carelessly purchased so it must use a prescription from a doctor. However, naughty hands can bring this medicine to your hands. If this happens, avoid taking this medicine without consulting a doctor.

If your doctor prescribes this medicine to you, tell your doctor if you are worried about being addicted. In fact, even without the need for special requests from you, doctors must have carefully considered the dosage of this drug and set a strategy so that you are not addicted.

Even in benzodiazepines there are drugs that have a lower risk of dependence than others. So it's actually the effect of this addictionnot necessarily you will experience when taking drugs with a low risk of dependence.

In addition, do not ever stop using this drug suddenly without your doctor's permission. Stopping the use of benzodiazepine drugs suddenly increases the risk of an effectsakaw. For this reason, it is important that the cessation of use be carried out in stages. No less important, do not add medication doses without the doctor's knowledge.

Does the medicine for people with mental disorders (ODGJ) make dependence?
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