7 Causes of Late Menstruation If You Are Not Pregnant


Medical Video: Endometriosis

As women, we are always worried if menstruation is late. Late menstruation can be a sign of ovarian disease. Worry also occurs when having children is not part of your plan, so waiting for menstruation to come feels like waiting for someone who is very important, guessing the pregnancy will occur or not. In fact, getting pregnant is not one of the causes for late arrivals, there are several other factors that can be a cause.

What factors cause late menstruation besides being pregnant?

Here are some factors that you should pay attention to, if your menstruation is late:

1. Stress

When stressed, the body will produce the hormone cortisol. An increase in the hormone cortisol can make the brain decide which body functions are important and not important, and this will last until stress ends. Vital functions such as blood flow to the lungs and muscles increase, while the digestive and reproductive systems will be disrupted. If the reproductive system is disrupted, menstruation will be hampered. The effect of stress can also be an increase in body weight, because the digestive system is disrupted. Stress is also one of the causes of skin problems such as acne, because the hormone cortisol interferes with the workings of other hormones as well.

2. Weight is too low

Drastic weight loss can cause a lack of estrogen to form a lining in the uterus, which results in a halting menstrual cycle. Usually people with bulimia and anorexia experience this.

3. Excessive exercise

When exercise is heavy, you should make sure your calorie intake is sufficient. If not fulfilled, it will lead to drastic weight loss, and end with a lack of estrogen produced. Heavy exercise also triggers the risk of amenorrhea - not having menstruation for three months or more in a row. This can be experienced by professional female athletes, ballet dancers, and gymnasts (who have to do continuous gymnastics). It is best not to force yourself to exercise when you are sick, injured or the weather is not good, because this is one sign that the exercise that is underway is starting to be excessive.

4. Breastfeeding

Some women do not experience a menstrual cycle for several months while breastfeeding. This is because hormones that play an important role in breastfeeding, aka the prolactin hormone suppresses ovulation. But that doesn't mean you can't get pregnant, fertilization is very possible even if you don't get your period. Your menstrual cycle will return to normal around six to eight weeks after the weaning period. If within three months after stopping breastfeeding, you have not yet got menstruation, you should see a doctor.

5. Contraceptive pills

There are several types of drugs that can affect the menstrual cycle, such as birth control pills, antidepressants, corticosteroids, some types of antipsychotics. Contraceptive pills are intended to prevent ovulation, this also prevents the occurrence of the menstrual cycle. Some women experience bleeding such as menstruation, or called fake menstruation. This occurs because of a decrease in hormones when you don't take the pill during the fourth week of your cycle. Contraceptive pills that are taken routinely can make your cycle disrupted. For those who want a pregnancy or menstrual cycle to return regularly, you should stop using for a month or more. You can also consult your doctor.

6. Polycystic Ovary Symptom (PCOS)

PCOS is a condition in which hormones produced are not balanced, occur in women. This condition will disrupt ovulation due to changes in estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone levels. Symptoms that appear can be the appearance of fine hairs around the face and chest, difficulty losing weight, and complaints of fertility problems.

7. Premature menopause

Women under the age of 40 can experience premature menopause or also called it premature ovarian failure. As we know that menopause means being the final point of the reproductive system in women. Before experiencing menopause, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. In addition you will also experience some menopausal symptoms such as night sweats and dryness of the vagina.


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7 Causes of Late Menstruation If You Are Not Pregnant
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