Dating Turns Out You Can Make You A Better Person Because Of These 4 Things


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Deciding not to commit in a serious relationship such as dating does provide many benefits. You can freely do hobbies and activities that you like and spend more time with your family and closest people. However, do you know it turns out that having a relationship with someone or dating turns out to also have benefits. Therefore, don't just look at the negative side. One of the benefits of dating is to make you a better person. How come?

Dating can make you a better person by ...

healthy dating

According to Jill P. Weber, Ph.D., author of the book Having Sex, Intimate Wanting — Why Women Settle for One-Sided relationships, states that dating can make you a better person in the following ways:

1. Learn to see self-deficiency

The first benefit of courtship is to be able to see the shortcomings of yourself. Dating relationships involve two different people with personalities that can be opposite. The closer your relationship is, the more you realize that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

Maybe you were one of those who never realized their shortcomings and always felt that you were perfect. However, when you are in a relationship, usually you indirectly start to realize that there are still many shortcomings that must be corrected in yourself.

That way, you will continue to strive to be better and self-reliant.

2. Learning to accept

The original character will become more visible when the relationship is long established. You will see how good and bad the partner's behavior is. If this is the case, you can judge whether you want to continue or finish it here.

The reason is that everything related to a person's character and behavior is permanent and very difficult to change. Then, if it turns out there are characters that are not liked but are actually still within reasonable limits and understandable, usually many people choose to accept them rather than having to break up.

Because this is what dating is said to be a means to learn to accept something that is not as desired.

3. Learn to know yourself and others

Learning to know yourself and others can be a benefit of courtship that you may not realize. By dating, you will understand which things make you comfortable and which ones don't.

In addition, you also learn to get to know others by understanding the patterns of interaction that have been carried out. Dating "forces" you to find the right strategy about how to fulfill the interests of both parties without hurting one of them.

4. Learn to refuse

If all this time you have been included as someone who is "yes-yes" and "it doesn't work"Then when dating there are times when you are faced with a position that makes you need to refuse.

For example, when a partner wants you to follow his will while it is not in accordance with your values. In this position you will learn to talk about things you don't like about your partner even though you know he will get hurt.

That way, in real life you will be trained to understand that giving refusal to others for things that are not in accordance with the value is natural and is okay.

Dating Turns Out You Can Make You A Better Person Because Of These 4 Things
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