Is it true that routine sex can prevent breast cancer?


Medical Video: Does Sex Prevent Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a deadly disease and most often affects women, although men can also experience it. Breast cancer is also a major cause of high mortality compared to other cancer cases. Therefore, breast cancer is an important concern that must be avoided. Various precautions are taken to reduce the risk of this cancer. One of them is through sex, but is it true that sex can prevent breast cancer?

Prevent breast cancer with sex, myth or fact?

Reported on Healthline page, sex is used as one of the things that can prevent breast cancer, because women who have vaginal intercourse have a lower risk of breast cancer than those who do not.

During intercourse, passion will increase until finally reaching orgasm. At that time the hormone "happiness" level also increased. Two of these happiness hormones are oxytocin and DHEA which are able to keep the breast free from cancer cells.

A study shows that women who have sex more than once a month have a lower risk of breast cancer than those who are less sexually active.

In addition, men who do at least 7 orgasms a month in their 50s have a lower chance of developing male breast cancer. Sex can also help prevent breast cancer in other ways

Sex is like exercise that can prevent cancer

According to Dr. Jay K Harness, MD, FACS sex is similar to exercise, which stimulates the cardiovascular system well. One prevention of cancer is to do regular exercise.

A cardiologist states that sex is similar to moderate intensity exercise. When at the peak of orgasm, the heartbeat may reach 110 beats per minute, comparable to when you walk or jogging.

Although sex cannot completely replace the position of exercise, the calories burned during sex make the body more active. Sex can cut about 5 calories per minute, this will trigger the heart to work properly and eventually train various muscles.

When the body is more active, the body will reduce levels of hormones, such as insulin and estrogen, and abnormal growth factors including the growth of cancer cells. The higher levels of insulin and estrogen will increase the risk of breast cancer.

Sex also increases the body's immune system against cancer

Research from Wikes University shows that people who engage in sex once or twice a week have a higher level of antibodies against infection by 30 percent than people who don't.

This good immune system will be able to fight cancer cells more optimally. Therefore, sex can help prevent breast cancer, although not directly, but by maintaining the immune system.

Stress which is a risk factor for cancer can be lost due to sex

Stress is one of the risk factors for cancer including breast cancer. By regulating stress, this helps the body reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Reported on the Medical News Today page, when a person experiences stress, body cells will naturally produce several substances, including ATF3, which is a parent gene in the body that appears when stressed.

If the substance is too much in number, it will disrupt the workings of cells and eventually develop into cancer cells. Not only that, these substances cause cancer cells to easily spread to other parts of the body, so that the development of cancer is very fast. That is why, avoiding stress is one of the important things to prevent cancer.

Sex can be one way to reduce the risk of stress. Reported on the Healthline page, Dr. Irwin Goldstein, director of Sexual Medicine at Alvarado Hospital said that a regular sex life provides long-term satisfaction with one's mental health.

Is it true that routine sex can prevent breast cancer?
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